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Everything posted by vlanore

  1. I found a simple hack to fix this problem for now: make a part of your ship a RTG so that it counts as power. For example, if you have a z-100 battery pack onboard, find the GameData/Squad/Parts/Electrical/z-100Battery/z-100Battery.cfg and add: MODULE { name = ModuleGenerator isAlwaysActive = true OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.01 } } before the last } Full example : PART { // --- general parameters --- name = batteryPack module = Part author = NovaSilisko // --- asset parameters --- mesh = model.mu rescaleFactor = 1 // --- node definitions --- // definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0 // --- editor parameters --- TechRequired = scienceTech entryCost = 800 cost = 80 category = Utility subcategory = 0 title = Z-100 Rechargeable Battery Pack manufacturer = Zaltonic Electronics description = The Z-100 battery pack is the standard model for electrical applications. Holds two (2) AAAA batteries and holds a maximum 100 units of charge. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0 // --- standard part parameters --- mass = 0.005 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.2 angularDrag = 1 crashTolerance = 8 maxTemp = 3200 PhysicsSignificance = 1 RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 100 maxAmount = 100 } MODULE { name = ModuleGenerator isAlwaysActive = true OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.01 } } }
  2. Okay, I'll do without for now. I have plenty of parts already with KW Rocketry and NovaPunch; don't spend too much time checking the mod if you don't know it already :-) Thanks for your quick answer.
  3. Great mod. I've been using it for some time without the slightest problem :-) I have a small suggestion: what about being able to change the color of the ambient light? That would be useful with bright colored skyboxes. Here is a screenshot I just took with a bright redish skybox. A red ambient light would make sense in that context. People with crazy EVE skyboxes would probably need colored ambient light as well.
  4. Hello, I'm currently planning my own 4-kerbal attempt with life support and extra cargo and I had a few questions/mod requests: Is it allowed to do the challenge in sandbox (as long as I'm not attempting Jebediah's level)? The first post sort of implies you have to do it in career. Is it possible to use the Flag Decals mod (I like cool-looking ships)? Since it's technically a part mod I figure I need your permission to use it although it really doesn't add anything useful. Is it possible to use Modular Rocket Systems? It's a collection of parts with stock-like appearance and balance which probably doesn't provide any unfair advantage but might help quite a bit with the part count (with things like a 2.5m NERVA or bigger xenon tanks). Thanks for taking the time to maintain this challenge :-)
  5. Thanks for the warm welcome I'll be sure to check those subforums.
  6. Hello everyone I'm from the KSP subreddit and I've been lurking here for some time. I'm finally joining because I'm trying to get into plugin development and figured here would be the best place to find information and help.
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