What I am looking for is essentially a walk through for each of the contracts. I don't want to "cheat" my way through the game but if I get stumped then it would be great to find the answer, or method to completing a contract that is giving me trouble. Some of them can seem complicated with conditions such as doing something in flight at a certain altitude and speed. I end up going through allot of trial and error, along with credits building and launching vehicles. Most of the contracts, what I referred to as missions, are fairly straight forward and are simple to accomplish. However one of the contracts that has me stumped at the beginning is testing the booster on the ground. Is it as simple as building a basic rocket and setting it off? Seeing as how it starts on the ground would that trigger completion of that contract? Or do I have to wait until I unlock the launch stability and support gantry? Probably not the correct description but it is the red crane looking device that locks the rocket on place. I figure that would allow me to just place the gantry on the vehicle with the booster or engine attached and set them off but not release the gantry. While in career mode I did not want to waste an entire vehicle assembly just to get that one contract completed.