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Everything posted by closer

  1. No doubt it's too steep, but what about the altitudes? Is this expected behavior or is it just me? If it's expected and normal for these mods, then I'll accept it for now, otherwise I must of missed something installing the mods. -- Right but can't you modify these parts once and be done with it? Is there a reason you couldn't do this?
  2. With the MM everytime I starup it's like it's loading all the plugins and textures for the first time. It just seams strange that the real solar system plugin would have to change all the maps everytime. Is it not just replacing textures and files. But for the other plugins it goes through and says applying 1500 patches. Maybe I don't understand how the patches work or whats going on behind the scenes 1............. 2............. 3....... 4...... 5... 6.. 7. 8. 9. These are the screen shots I tried to up load straight into forum but it didn't work. Yeah it doesn't start slowing down or glow until 62,000M and stops about 18-19M From what I've read about orbital dynamics and re entry you def should be starting to drop speed through drag at 100M It should start there and plasma should be done at 60M. It's almost like it didn't change from kerbin atmosphere. You can see it continues to pick up speed all the way to 65M This becomes more of a problem when your going orbital velocity and are trying to renter I still don't hit atmosphere till 65M So I just burn up. Anyway Thanks for getting back so quick, I appreciate it. Let me know if you need anything else
  3. Is there a way to save the plugins through mod manager after the initial install instead of having to reinstall every mod on every startup??? Another issue I'm having is the re-entry altitude I'm not picking up drag to slow down until 50,000 meters this is when I get flames, but entry drag should start at 100,000 Meters with flame. It seems like I'm picking up way too much speed, If I launch straight up to 125,000M and come straight back down I continue picking up speed all the way down to 50,000M. Is this normal or just an error? Have all recommended and required mods installed. Thanks
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