Quite allot of feedback, ok here goes this response might get a bit geeky. Native at 5760x3240 thanks to SoftTH, where needed it can stretch any resolution to any resolution form 320 x 240 to 15360 x 8640 and vise versa. Not everything will go over the normal resoultions as things have been hard coded to a location rather than use variables provided by DirectX. Example Need for Speed Undercover will only render a max of 1600x1200 and must be stretched, 5 Nights at Freddies just crashes above 1280x1024. But both work fine when scaled up, So I have plenty of options there. Some games crash or render parts of the HUD in wrong locations or skewed but for the most part keep the aspect ratio either 4:3 or 16:9 and its fine. Biggest issue with this res is games don't offer a feature scale HUD and they end up so tiny I have to leave my seat to read them. (might install a telescope) Here is a video of GTA SAMP debug mode super sampled and recorded at 1080.
I have better net coming so I will upload some comparison videos in the coming months. If I could have 9 of them I would, but you need Display Port 1.2 to make full use of it. I plan to use 144hz monitors when they come down in price hopefully G-SYNC compatible, that could be quite some time yet. For what I paid for all mine I could have had 2 of these, once they hit $500 each, a three way of them would be the go. Because I'm poor and need to do some more work to afford matched GPU's, I plan to use two 970's as singles, this should see me up to 90 FPS. After learning of how SoftTH does its thing I'm considering the next build should have an ATI 295x2 combined with a Maxtor 8 head output card. ATI are latency freaks and Maxtor know how to use a frame buffer, this would provide 13 outputs and that not counting the onboard. ( yes I have issues ) SoftTH is software that create a SLS (Single Large Surface) then chops the game up and distributes to the panels per user configuration. The render is done on the First GPU so only one needs to have any horse power, the rest are attached for outputs of the frame buffer created on the first GPU. However the frame rate is dictated but the RAM speed of the slowest card. At this stage that the 620 holding me at just under 60 FPS. Diagram of how SoftTH funtions http://www.kegetys.fi/SoftTH/diagram.png In this setup I'm only rendering on one card but windowed apps are a different story the mixed GPUs mean I have to wait for the slowest feature of each card. But SLI on the 900 seem to scale much better than any other combo I have seen so far, I'm keen to see a dual 980 GPU board. I research and mod allot having a library on information on screen at once speeds up productivity. Also I love old games and for most of my early gaming was restricted to a mere 320x240. Playing Quake and Carmageddon 2 on my CYRIX 586 and S3 Trident 2MB was utter torture, Screw you cyrix a look up table IS NOT MMX don't report to the OS have what you ain't got. no wonder you went broke, ok rant over So to be able to go back to my child hood and play the games I grew upon at a resolution that matched imagination of the day is spectacular to say the least. It actually makes them really hard to use the descriptions are about as big as this font, I'm thing about getting glasses and I have don't any sight issues. The bezels are not annoying for me when in game but once I played a PS1 on an analogue TV I can do image rectification in my head. Once you have been playing something like iRacing for a while they almost disappear as you get engrossed with the race. While I am setting up and configuring I wont bother with bezel comp as I have to edit the config manually each time I change the layout in the config file. SoftTH allows for 2 methods, Overscan increase game res by the width of the bezels and re-position each frame or zoom each screen until they match. I would use over scan and keep the screens displaying a native image as zooming will cause pixel dubbing to some extent. Zooming perform faster but you loose a bit of the outer edge as well. Here is a video of iRacing with a small amount of bezel comp.
Once I get motivated to tear them all apart and glue to a back board the bezels will get much smaller, but I can live with them. I have had to deal with much worse situations. Honestly the blue LEDS are doing my head in the most 4k (8294400 pix) and Ultra 5k (18662400 pix) are worlds apart. I could have 9 games each with there own full screen assuming I connected 9 PC/Consoles or ran 9 VM's (might need more power for that last one) These screens are very low power less than 20 watts each how I use them and is easily viable in direct sunlight durable and have no consumables. I paid $1500 AUD for 10 brand new panels so I even have a spare just in case. Yes this is a very handy computer and I'm learning this is not extremely uncommon anymore, but D3D performance on a wall is a niche thing at this time. Thanks for the feedback and questions. I can be stubborn however your options and comments are valued greatly. I'll post back when I have removed the bezels might be a month or two. Have fun.