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Posts posted by apecksio

  1. I've had this a lot as well and have found it worst when:-

    - in atmosphere

    - when ground is in shot

    If I keep the view below the craft looking up in to space I can generally avoid the beach ball.

    My problem exactly. Landing on a planet sometimes takes four or five restarts to get through without a crash. If I can keep the planet out of view it won't crash but as soon as the surface slide into the screen, bam! spinning beach ball.

    I'm using a radeon 280x and have 28GB's of RAM. Even at the lowest texture settings the crash happens a lot. At high graphics textures it happens instantly.

  2. Full Screen Beach Ball of Death. Have run a couple missions.

    My FAN program tells me 187F

    My KSP is locked up but I can cmd tab out and do other things.. I'm listening to a web simulcast and such. But KSP is toast.. I'll force kill it.

    Nothing really telling in the logs.. Is there another place to look?

    Check Console in the Utilities folder. Go to "All Messages". I always have entries there when KSP crashes (spinning beach ball).

  3. I have constant crashes in OSX and in Windows 7. Have tried OSX Mavericks and Yosemite. Same issue. I tried two completely different GPU's. Same problem.

    In OSX, Console reports a GPU Hang. It lasts for 10 seconds (complete KSP freeze - OS still works fine) and usually KSP recovers. Sometimes KSP crashes completely. It happens the most when landing on planets. I have tried reducing graphics settings which helps, but doesn't fix the problem.

    2010 Mac Pro, 6 core 2.93ghz Xeon CPU.

    28GB RAM

    Radeon 280x GPU.

    Extremely frustrating.

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