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Everything posted by Pyromaniah

  1. I have all the controls set up as axes not as buttons, with the exception of yaw which is set up on one of the buttons on my joystick since it doesn't have a twist axis and I don't yet have the rudder pedals.
  2. I recently bought a HOTAS setup from CH products and have been having difficulty calibrating it for use with KSP. I have the virtual joystick mapped in the CH control manager and everything works in game (with the exception of the thumb joystick that is on the pro throttle) however, the controls of both the throttle and the joystick are not the way i would like them. The joystick is basically all or nothing which defeats the purpose of a joystick altogether. When flying a spaceplane both roll and pitch are very sensitive and adjusting the sensitivity only makes it so that i have to move the stick further before it's "all or nothing". I can't figure out how to smooth things out. The Throttle works as well but from 0-1/3 throttle it's very smooth and from 2/3 to full throttle it's very smooth but from 1/3 to 2/3 it's very sensitive and basically skips over this range all together. I assumed that in CH manager this could be changed in the "gain and response settings" graph but it's a straight line and adjusting it only makes things worse. Please help
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