Hi there! Here is my last creation: the Kairbus K-20m Data: 91 parts 48,6 t 24m / 25,3m / 10,6m (L/W/H) Place for 20 Kerbal Abillity to harvest Ore Action Groups: 1 - toggle Engines 2 - toggle flaps (for better takeoff and landing) 3 - toggle solar panels 4 - toggle cargobay doors 5 - toggle "drilling thing" 6 - start mining 7 - stop mining 8 - start converting into LiquidFuel 9 - stop converting into LiquidFuel Photos: Craftfile: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/11698414/K-20m.craft Feel free to comment and critizice! All my thanks go to Squad and the team for this lovely game!
"Dear Passengers, boarding on hypetrain going to Kerbin 0.90 has just started!" I hope the train is looking like that and has as many passengers in few hours/days!
Hi there! Here's my version of a small-payload-ssto, the "Cargo-5-200". It's an Spaceplane capable of carrying a 5t payload + 2 Kerbonauts into an 200km circular orbit. Mods needed:http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/220221-mechjeb Feel free to criticise! craft-file: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/11698414/Cargo-5-200.zip Vessel-information: 49 parts 8,424 t (without payload) 34622 $ Action Groups: 1 - toggle Jet Engine 2 - toggle Rocket Engines 3 - toggle Intakes 4 - toggle Cargobay Doors !IMPORTANT! You have to achieve a 80km/40km orbit (80km Apoapsis and 40km Periapsis)with Jet only to accomplish a 200km circular orbit! If you want to fly it without payload, detach canards
Hi everyone, I play KSP since summer 2013 (0.20) and decided to support its stunning community from now on! I'm interested in astrophysics and natural sciences, so KSP is a awesome, funny and sometimes crazy game for me. Best regards, CookieS