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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Unfortunately, even having an Elite controller can't solve my biggest control complaint: roll while flying aircraft. There's no way to bind the triggers to a stick axis. This has proven to be very frustrating, as building aircraft is one of my favorite activities in KSP, but flying them on my Xbox One is just annoying. On the plus side, while I bought the Elite on hopes of it fixing my KSP control issues, I've fallen in love with the controller for Elite: Dangerous and Lichdom: Battlemage, among many others. Definitely a good investment, even if it failed to fix the problem I bought it for!
  2. I can also attest to Hyperedit causing this exact problem after mucking about with planet positions. It seems if you do something incredibly stupid, like say placing Jool 400km from Kerbin, it... well, it destroys Kerbin. You end up with that exact screen, and the map will show your craft in orbit around Jool, and staging doesn't work. Word to the wise: don't do anything crazy with Hyperedit unless you don't care about destroying your save file!
  3. Yup, also guilty of this one. I caught myself doing this last night with one of Scott Manley's videos. Then again, I was also rather tired at the time. Plus, I've been having KSP withdrawals. Game just keeps crashing in load lately, and I haven't worked out which mod is causing it. Oddly, I had my full mod list loading just fine a few days ago, and running without any problems. I've just backed up my saves, deleted the game, and am going to start fresh, see if I can fix it that way. I think I may have incorrectly installed a mod at some point, and overwrote something I may not want to have.
  4. I seem to be one of a few dozen people who have stranded poor Jeb in EVA on an eccentric Munar orbit. I'm currently building an hourglass rocket to go rescue him, with a drone as the controller mounted upside-down on top of a MkI capsule, outfitted with a few radial parachutes. Hopefully, the batteries will hold out until I get there, because I haven't enough science to unlock any solar panels! HOLD ON, JEB! JUST A BIT LONGER! Glad I haven't installed any Life Support mods yet, or Jeb would be and ex-Jeb!
  5. I have to stand corrected, it turns out that the error was caused by the version of toolbar supplied WITH KSPIRC being outdated, and it overwrote my installed up-to-date toolbar.dll. Once I reinstalled the newer version of toolbar, it started working fine, and in fact stopped a lot of other crashes I seemed to be getting with some other mods.
  6. Sadly, seems to be broken in .25. I need to review some of my recent crash logs to see if I need to send them to Blizzy, because I've had a few crashes right after attempting to use the IRC plugin.
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