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  1. thanks for the help the problem was a period where a comma should be it works now but there is no texture
  2. Il give you exactly what I did. I made a model and texture in blender. Then exported it to unity and imported part tools. Then set a collision mesh, and copyed a cfg file from the ibeam pocket edition, changed arount the names description attatch rules etc.. and then I tried it and all parts are gone.
  3. (Im new to the ksp fourums so tell me if this has been posted here before or is in the wrong place.) So I was trying to make a mod and I watched like a million tutoreals. I made the model and collision mesh in unity. But when I tried to use the part all the parts in the vab where gone and all the stock ships said "locked or invalid parts" this is realy frusterating beacuase ive done every thing right.
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