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Posts posted by lastmikoi

  1. I made sure to have the RSS texture pack correctly installed beforehand - and my Gamedata/RealSolarSystem/Plugins/PluginData indeed contained 2048x1024 PNG files.

    I redownloaded the 2048.zip file and unzipped it : Everything is in order now. I wonder what hapenned to that first download I made, but my installation directory was missing EarthHeight.png, which was obviously causing issues.

    Thanks !

  2. Hello there,

    I've been using RO for quite a while now, and first of all I'd like to thanks both of you for the tremendous amount of work you put in this project.

    I recently reinstalled everything from scratch - hopefully correctly, even though I've been often going through the whole installation process (that's probably why I'm watching CKAN with great attention) - and I would like to know what causes the issue I currently have on my KSP.

    As a picture's worth a thousand words, here's a screenshot of what I'm talking about:


    Any idea of how my whole map got /this/ f*ed up ? This is a screenshot from Cap Canaveral but every launch site is affected - and I'm yet to explore the rest.

    Have a wonderful day,

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