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Red Iron Crown

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  1. Red Iron Crown's post in Is there a cheat to ignore CommNet? was marked as the answer   
    Commnet can be disabled completely in the difficulty settings.
  2. Red Iron Crown's post in Thermal Mass and Fuel Heating was marked as the answer   
    Thermal mass of the fuel is modeled, in fact you can pump out hot fuel and pump cooler fuel in to cool a part. So yes, having the wings full of fuel would cause their temps to rise less quickly. 
  3. Red Iron Crown's post in Conic Patch Draw Mode was marked as the answer   
    As far as I know the descriptions here are still accurate, despite the age of the thread:
  4. Red Iron Crown's post in Fuel Cunsumption Question was marked as the answer   
    You could verify it yourself using the equation from the other thread. Set t=1 and use thrust and Isp to determine propellant mass.  
  5. Red Iron Crown's post in Delta V calculation for multistage liquid fueled rockets with SRB boosters was marked as the answer   
    You must consider the SRBs + liquid engine as a separate stage from the liquid engine alone.
    From thrust, Isp and solid fuel mass, calculate the SRB burn time:
    t = m * Isp * g0 / F
    Where t is time in seconds, m is solid fuel mass in tons, Isp is specific impulse of the SRB in seconds, g0 is 9.80665m/s2, and F is the SRB thrust in kN
    Using that time, calculate how much fuel will be consumed by the liquid fuel engine in the same time (same relationship as above, just rearranged):
    m = F * t / (Isp * g0)
    Where m is the mass of LF+O consumed in tons, t is the time from the first equation, F is the liquid engine thrust in kN, Isp is the specific impulse of the liquid engine in seconds, and g0 is 9.80665m/s2.
    Now you can combine the fuel masses and Isp values as you would do for a stage which burns out simultaneously (which it is, in effect), then compute the remaining fuel for the liquid engine alone as a separate stage.
  6. Red Iron Crown's post in Submarine Help was marked as the answer   
    Submarines are all about adding dense parts to make them sink. If you are using stock parts, ore tanks work really well. This was my first sub after 1.0.5 dropped:

  7. Red Iron Crown's post in Question askers, please mark your questions as answered when they are! was marked as the answer   
    Er, that's not how you mark a question answered, the OP must click the circled checkmark above the upvote triangle. Pic related:

    Edit: I see you found it.  
  8. Red Iron Crown's post in Why Kerbin is so small compared to Earth was marked as the answer   
    Kerbin was made before there timewarp was implemented, its smaller size allows 30 minute orbits compared to the 90 minute ones for an Earth-like planet. Most everything else was scaled from there.
  9. Red Iron Crown's post in KSP 1.2: How to block fuel flow divided with radial tanks? was marked as the answer   
    I think you'll need to put a non-crossfeed part between the core and each booster, I'm afraid. You could also manually disable the Skipper when it's no longer needed (not quite as automatic as relying on fuel flow but a similar effect).
  10. Red Iron Crown's post in Most Efficient Engine? was marked as the answer   
    Welcome aboard!
    For orbital work the raw amount of thrust is close to irrelevant, more allows you to do maneuvers quicker and slightly more efficiently but doesn't really get you to any further destinations.
    The relevant stats for orbital engine efficiency are engine mass and vacuum Isp. A higher Isp will allow more impulse to be generated from the same amount of fuel. A lower mass means that impulse can create a larger change in velocity. This is all governed by the Rocket Equation, generally speaking a craft with more delta-V can reach more destinations.
    Practically speaking, this makes the following engines among the most efficient for orbital use: Nerv, Poodle, Terrier, Spark, Ant, Dawn. Which one is best for a given craft depends on craft size, delta-V budget, and player tolerance for low TWR.
  11. Red Iron Crown's post in Persistent staging.and sub assemblys? was marked as the answer   
    The trick I've found for this is leaving a lot of empty stages on subassemblies, especially lifters. A lifter subassembly with 5 empty stages above the uppermost stage will merge neatly with almost any payload.
    Similar can be done when docking craft. Count the number of stages in each craft docking, add enough empty ones to one of them so their stage numbers don't overlap and then dock them.
  12. Red Iron Crown's post in My plane keeps spinning out when I try to turn. was marked as the answer   
    Welcome aboard!
    The CoL is a bit close to the CoM for good stability, try adjusting your wings rearward until the CoL marker is half in and half out of the CoM marker.
    I'd also make sure that pitch is disabled for the control surfaces on the wings, they can reverse sometimes when the wings are attached ahead of the CoM but the surfaces are behind it.
  13. Red Iron Crown's post in How to disable wheel autostrut? was marked as the answer   
    Check out J.Random's post from that thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/138647-turning-off-the-new-wheel-autostrutting/&do=findComment&comment=2553059
    Copy the stuff in the code block into a text file, save it as SomeName.cfg somewhere in GameData (I keep this sort of thing in a folder with my name for neatness). Make sure you have ModuleManager installed, and the next time you start KSP the autostrut will be disabled for all wheels.
  14. Red Iron Crown's post in Do grabbers work on planet? was marked as the answer   
    No, claws do not grab celestial bodies other than asteroids.
  15. Red Iron Crown's post in Any good transfer windows here? was marked as the answer   
    If you prefer a more visual guide for finding windows, this image is pretty good:

    Just rotate map view so Kerbin is at the 3-oclock position and compare to the "Leaving from Kerbin" part.
  16. Red Iron Crown's post in trying to run ksp demo in Oracle viratual box was marked as the answer   
    Moved this over to Technical Support.
    Are you able to share the log from the game startup? You can find directions to locate it here, as well as some other information that is helpful with troubleshooting.
    My guess would be that the GPU is not being passed through properly to the virtual machine (if I am understanding you correctly, this is a Win7 install in a virtual machine). While VM installs are not officially supported it should be possible to make it work.
    It does look like the system requirements need some updating, at the very least 1GB of disk space is no longer sufficient for KSP.
  17. Red Iron Crown's post in Nuclear Engines: What am I missing? was marked as the answer   
    I think what you're missing is that nukes and mainsails use different fuels: The mainsail uses liquid fuel and oxidizer while the nuke uses liquid fuel only. So all that oxidizer is just dead mass for the nuclear version of the rocket. 
    You can improve the nuclear version's performance by tweaking out the oxidizer in the right click menu or, better yet, use tanks that only contain liquid fuel and no oxidizer (this will reduce dry mass for a given fuel mass).
    In answer to your last question, the nuclear engine becomes more mass-efficient when the added mass of the engine is less than the amount of fuel mass saved. Versus the Terrier (the common comparison), this happens at about 4t of fuel mass for the chemical engine (roughly one 800 unit tank). More fuel than that and the nuclear engine becomes more mass efficient.
    Cost efficiency is a whole other thing, nuclear engines are really expensive and really only work cost wise if they are reused.
  18. Red Iron Crown's post in The best way to do map the moon (RSS/SCAN Sat) was marked as the answer   
    Normal polar orbit works fine, it will just take about two weeks to complete the scanning.
  19. Red Iron Crown's post in Two different delta-v readouts? was marked as the answer   
    Welcome aboard!
    The right hand value is a running total, the left one is for that individual stage. So you have a first stage (S4) with 3499m/s, and a second stage (S3) with 1697m/s. Parts in the second stage will have been accelerated by the first, so total dV is 3499 + 1697 = 5196m/s. 
  20. Red Iron Crown's post in I can't seem to get RoveMax XL3 to turn was marked as the answer   
    Those wheels only seem to respond to turning commands when the vessel is being controlled from a forward-facing control point. If it's being controlled from the cupola it won't turn because that faces upwards. You could add a docking port facing forward somewhere convenient and control it from there.
    Also: Moving to Gameplay Questions.
  21. Red Iron Crown's post in Missing texture was marked as the answer   
    Those clouds and such are from mods, your stock install looks normal to me.
  22. Red Iron Crown's post in Burn duration limitation and dV loss was marked as the answer   
    I whipped up a quick table for you:

    The Vis-viva Equation and Kepler's Second Law are the math behind calculating these yourself, if you are interested.
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