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Posts posted by robson1000

  1. 18 hours ago, JH4C said:

     Hm. That's the only link I can find to anything related to BD Animation Modules, and when I try installing that my game crashes out as soon as it tries loading the first part that uses it. Not surprising really, being over 3 years old...

    I'm not installing Mono just to install CKAN, just to install this one dll. My Mk2 spaceplane fantasies shall just have to go unfulfilled.

    Use this link: https://github.com/raidernick/BDAnimationModules/releases/tag/v0.6.5.4

  2. 10 hours ago, dtoxic said:

    IKU-02,IKU-01,IKU-03  (Kerbal Safety Bubble), i remember it was also a problem back in ksp 1.2.2 (dont know witch version was Ven's back then) something to do with animation or something, i would remember, but i see a lot of files got rearranged since then directory structure etc, maybe that's causing a problem?

    I tried an old copy from my 1.2.2 and it works, i just cant figure it out why on this new one it doesn't.

    Delete patch "VenStockRevamp\Patches\USIPatches.cfg".

  3. 48 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    Right-click the docking port and see if there is a deploy button (unless you did that already)

    Logs are always useful and necessary (unless it works)

    Yes, deploying bumper is bringing back attach node, but if I launch ship builded in that way docking ports doesn't want to dock.

    Tested with only StockPartRevamp, modulemanager and this mod.

    I replace old logs with new one, use preview links.

    Simple craft


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