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Posts posted by vinny

  1. I'm having an issue installing B9 in .90 Mac version. I'm using a clean install, with nothing but B9, and ATM so far. The game stops loading at HL_AERO_COCKPIT. Also the debug log is saying, "[Exception]: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object" I've seen this error in older posts for different versions, but never a clear fix. Does anyone have any ideas on this one? This is the 4th clean install I've tried to get this to work on with .90. Any help is greatly appreciated!

    Same thing here on my mac, the game crashes to desktop after the loading screen.

    I noticed that its too many folders to extract.

  2. Hi Everyone, i play KSP for a couple of months and i must say that i love this game.

    I Was reading today the challenge with ion powered crafts and decided to do something for my self, but turns out my small craft keeps bouncing in the air with no power LOL, i think its a bug with the game but its funny to see this, when this happened i was like "what the hell, you are supposed to fly"

    I made this video to show how it behaves when it takes off


    I don't use any mods, since the OSX version im running has poor performance in comparsion to the windows version

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