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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Here is something my young'un wanted me to post. 82 parts 21.4 t Capable of Mach 4 speeds Atmospheric only - can't orbit As soon as you take off turn on SAS When intake air is below 0.10 shut down all engines and cruise to your heart's content - very good glider DOWNLOAD: http://www./download/19ds5654oczgmna/PHOENIX__MK1.craft
  2. Hi Frank_G, very sharp turns and you're right, it may flip over. I put in the RCS for that and the landing gear helps too. V2 will be stronger in that aspect...
  3. Here is a rover made by my young'un. Constructive criticism always welcome. 65 parts, 1.4 tons. Action keys: 1 - Toggles solar panels 2 - Toggles communotron top hat 3 - Toggles bottom communotron / mechanical arms 4 - Lights (green) To start off there are 2 functions this rover is capable of. First is standard - drive around. Second is sleep mode When power runs out, turn on sleep mode which extends the mechanical legs, takes the wheels off the ground and starts to charge its batteries. Sleep Mode Activated Cruising around KSC Here is the download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q2zfbicpz9m9c3w/Rowie%20the%20Rover.craft?dl=0
  4. Evening folks, my 11 yr old wanted me to post this. He told me that it is a Delta IV Heavy / Orion look-alike (stock parts). 52 parts, action key 1 toggles solar panels. When the capsule is coming for a landing, at 15,000 meters deploy the drag chutes, jettison them when the speed is around 250/s and immediately deploy main chutes. Keep SAS on at all times. Constructive criticism welcome :-) 3-2-1 LIFT OFF ! STAGE SEPARATION, LAUNCH ABORT SYSTEM JETTISONED AND SOLAR PANELS DEPLOYED RE-ENTRY SPLASH DOWN AND LANDING - WELCOME HOME Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s8ud8a4qoj7ycyn/ORION.craft?dl=0
  5. this is overall my favorite aircraft.thank you for sharing.
  6. guten tag from the other side of the world
  7. hello from the sunshine state welcome to the forums.......eh
  8. I'm registering on behalf of my 11 year old who is addicted to KSP. He loves a lot of the designs the folks here came up with and in time he's hoping to have a design for uploading here... So far his favorite is the Virgin Galactic craft that he found on here a few days ago. Regards & Cheers
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