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  1. Hi In "Hangar to Landing" (http://s1378.photobucket.com/user/craigmotbey/Kerbal/Tutorials/Hangar%20to%20Landing/story), it is mentioned the following about SAS: "Stock SAS is horrid; there are assorted ways to fix it, but I use this PID tuner (unfortunately no longer available). My Kerbodyne piloting guide details some other solutions." Does anyone know there those assorted ways are, or if the only way is to install a PID tuner mod? Thanks
  2. I have also noticed a big difference between the effects of FAR in previous version (specifically .23 and .24) and the one released for .25. I'm not sure how impact the wings mass tweakable has, but the Control "Ctrl Dflct" tweakable is changing the impact of FAR considerably. Someone please correct me if I am wrong, but I have reinstalled the .25 game, no mods, just FAR to test this: with FAR, any plane, even the ones that come with FAR, will have you pitching up and down (wobbling up and down) if SAS is enabled, as long as the Ctrl Dflct is left on its default parameter. You can avoid this by reducing Ctrl Dflct to a lower number or disabling SAS altogether (which makes keyboard flying quite hard, at least for me). If you check say, Scott Manley's Interstellar, recent episodes will show him piloting his new space place to Minmus and Eve, and you can see how SAS is always enabled. This is how I used to fly these space planes, but since update .25 (and corresponding FAR versions), I have simply gave up on using space planes, because I don't want to fly them without FAR. I had assumed this was a bug, but no one seems to be mentioning it anywhere, so I guess this is just about new features, not bugs, and I will need to either give up on space planes for good or learn how to fly them without SAS. I would really love to be proven wrong, and someone tell me planes still fly exactly like .23.5 or .24 with FAR, but in my own environment, that does not seem to be the case. Anyway, if anyone has a similar impression, take note that decreasing Ctrl Dflct will give you back at least some of the stability you were used to in previous version.
  3. This mod makes the IVA experience much, much better. I had to remove it, though, because I found it was causing an issue. Whenever I quicksaved (F5) a game during re-entry, and later tried to quickload (F9), it would make KSP unresponsive (windows blue circle followed by blank screen). This required me to restart the game and when you are trying to land spaceplanes, you need all the F9 you can get = ) I use several mods, but I believe the ones at play are Deadly Reentry, FAR and KerbQuake. Removing the latter resolved the issue. Great mod, really sad to let it go.
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