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Everything posted by shreddedfuz

  1. I agree, i think it should be an toggle-able since it would be useless concept for moving targets. But with the destructible buildings and other people making static objects i think it would be cool to designate a location instead of a target, especially since ksc buildings can't be a targeted. I think it would really make for much more dynamic ground missiles and guide-able bombs. I noticed that the jdam mod for the mk82 bomb was only accurate when setting a target and that the prediction reticule was usually a bit off from the guidance thrust. Not that it stops this mod from being enjoyable but I think such a system could really help.
  2. you sure make some awesome mods bahamuto. i have a suggestion for ground based missiles, not sure if its possible within the current plugin parameters, but i was thinking a laser designation somewhat like the older romfarer missile mod where the missile follows your mouse path when not locked onto a target. (in that old mod i don't think locking on to a position on the ground was possible but it was possible to lock the lazor angle make the missile follow a certain path or make it track to the mouse location). also the weapons manager won't fire guns with the control group action group "fire"
  3. great to hear about the toggle-able heat tiles and bomb bays, ill be looking forward to the next release. i meant lowered tail as in just the raised tail with flipped textures. not really a big deal or a part that i think would be used too often, but i was just trying to design an a-10 and it seems it reversed-raised tail seem to look closer to the original. maybe a possible tweak-able for the current tails.
  4. love the mod and appreciate all the hard work going into it. the textures are so much better than stock. can hardly use stock parts on my designs now. a suggestion for future updates, reversible bomb bay types and lowered tail sections. would be great better stealth plane/bomber builds and older plane designs respectively. my f-22 could really use an underside bomb bay (without heat tiles preferably).
  5. same problem with the retracting leg. tried to edit through cfg to no avail. great work on the mod though. simply one of those mods i can't play without once i tried it.
  6. love the mod, im a first time poster so forgive me if im slow to catch on or missed this in an earlier post. i was wondering if anyone could possibly help with modifying the translation/tip position speed (g key). right now the stock translation speed is so slow it takes many many mouse strokes to scale up a larger wing. i know theres a cfg file in the procedural dynamics folder and i have tried modifying the scale speed and move speed in that, and also dropping that into the parts and plugins folder, and also cutting the code into the individual part cfgs, all to no avail. was wondering if anyone could help me? sorry i don't have enough experience with coding to go into the source code itself. thanks in advance.
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