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Everything posted by plaerzen

  1. 2 STO: includes 6-man transport, full science package, large cargo bay (fill the cargo bay to max and you still have no problem reaching orbit with leftover dV) and 1km/s of dV remaining once in LKO. (FAR and b9 aerospace). Could use some tweaking I'm sure. Front canards may be unnecessary. Also has a small cargo bay to hide science instruments, solar panel, batteries, sas wheels, etc. Oh and in-line clampotron of course.
  2. record your tests flights, show a bloopers reel at the end to demonstrate things ain't easy.
  3. Yeah I figured it out. I was tired when i posted that last night and didn't even check it after the post or anything. I Do the SRB burn starting at around 18-20k where the atmosphere is still thick enough to provide stability, and this burn will get me almost to 75x75 orbit, (it might even work to get to orbit 100%, I've jsut never been efficient enough with it) and then kick in the liquid rocket engines for 10-15 seconds to circularize. Left with just over 1 km/s of dv.
  4. Finally made my "2sto" spaceplane (it has 2 stages, one has SRBs to help it get into orbit) back into orbit. Desperately needed aerobrakes, took many tries to take off, make orbit, rescue a kerbal and land. The final design uses 4 turbojets, 2 rocket engines (I forget which ones now, I think they might be from KW rocketry but unsure, They aren't the hybrid ones shown in one of the pics, that was an earlier design. Didn't quite make the cut, not goot enough TWR, or lsp, I forget which. Anyway, here it goes. Still haven't tested carrying load with it, but I Imagine it could pack it's cargo bay full no problem. Oh and FAR is used.
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