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Everything posted by MrStardust

  1. First: No, I wasn't in Career mode. Second: So I WAS being an idiot. I didn't know that, because what I did worked with 5.0.1. Anyway, I'm gonna try that right away, and also do that with Lazor System, just to be sure. Thanks for your help
  2. Okay, first, hello everyone, this is my first post. I've come here to report a problem with my CSS. I already had downloaded version 5.0.1, but I wanted to replace it with the newer version, so I downloaded it from the link provided in the OP. So far, so good, deleted all 5.0.1 files from the Parts folder, copied the new ones into the sub-folders I thought they belonged into (I don't know if they're the correct ones, but judging from their names they should be), copied the Props, Spaces and FX into their respective folders, everything should be fine, so I booted up the game to see if it worked. In the loading screen at the beginning I could see that the parts were in the folders I put them into, but when I went to the VAB, I noticed that many parts were missing: The crewsection, the nose, the wings... However, other parts, like the External Tank, the SRBs and the SSMEs were where they should be and ready to use. Also, the game was somehow chugged down, it was kinda slow, probably from the parts in it that weren't on the list in VAB. Later, I downloaded the Lazor System mod because I would need it, did the same with the data from the Lazor System ZIP archive, but In that case, all the parts were in the game. On a side note, the Canadarm part i needed Lazor System for was on the VAB list. Long story short, I can't build a Shuttle because I am missing parts t
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