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Everything posted by Antuas

  1. I recently downloaded this add-on and would like to use it, only it seems fairly complicated. I tried the wiki and it explains things about as clearly as a hammer to the side of the head. Is there a guide or tutorial out there that doesn't require someone to understand the finer ponits of thermodynamics and nuclear fusion?
  2. I recently install Mechjeb 2... and it doesn't work right. I get the menu and all that, and autopilot engages. It won't corrective steer, use RCS, nothing. It does time warp to the orbit circularization point, then nothing. It literally launches up, then falls down, that's it.
  3. Okay, I've encounter a new problem. Mechjeb won't circularize my orbit. It does just fine getting into space and drifting, then it says circularizing but the engines don't ignite. It just floats there until losing altitude.
  4. This is my first post here so you'll have to forgive me if it's in the wrong area. My problem is that I have a ship in orbit and I wanted to try to land on Mun. I go to the rendezvous planner and it says please select a target. I set target as Mun and nothing. The screen doesn't change and still wants me to select a target. I tried unselecting and reselecting but nothing happened. I'm pretty new to KSP and mechjeb so a little help would be appreciated.
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