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  1. OK, So without using the bodies.ini file the planets in mission architect are colored but I have the same results: http://gyazo.com/06b1b4620ed3336aae79247a81ac1693
  2. bodies ini file makes sure proper planet sizez and what not is used. Its just a "be safe" measure. The problem is, the manuever is exactly the same as the one indide tot, expect the one in tot has an intercept while the one in ksp has not
  3. OK, Let me go through all the steps i took. 1st I loaded up KSP TOT 2nd I created and imported bodies.ini from ksp. 3rd I set my earliest depart and arrival date to "Get UT from ksp" 4th I set up 4 periods in options. 5th I calculated a porkchop and departure burn using "Get orbit from ksp" option 6th I set up my initial state in Mission Architect according to the pdf tutorial but using my values 7th I set up the go to true anomaly coast and the delta v manuever 8th I set up a coast to eeloos periapsis. 9th I optimized it till i got an orbit round eeloo 10th I uploaded the maneuver to ksp only to see its nowhere close I also tried manually specifying it into precise node mod
  4. Hey, Im having quite a problem with your tool. I understand how to use it and so on, but whenever I upload or just manually specify the info for the first DV node, I even tried editing my save file to match the initial state as close as possible, the node is always completely off! It never hits the SoI and worse yet it usually doesnt een hit the target planets orbit , what am I doing wrong? My results look like this: http://gyazo.com/35e76b92678172ced03da4cffb5d9f5d notice the orbit is nowhere near jool let alone eeloo
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