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Posts posted by Rayge

  1. Hey guys! its been a while since ive had to post here, but i guess im back again xD how do i set action groups in the new beta? i just dont see an action groups tab there? was it moved and now i just cant find it? (probably cx but where?) or is it gone and there are set controls for stuff like that now?

    Edit: Also just went up to try to orbit, and my orbit path is white and i cant click on it, also, when i watched a youtube video the youtuber had some little pics by their world map, I dont have those. should i just reinstall ksp?

  2. Glad to have you aboard Rayge!

    How much progress have you made so far in the game? An idea of what you already are (and aren't) able to accomplish would do a LOT to help narrow down the tips to things that would be specifically useful for you... :)



    Well, i can orbit the sun (my biggest achievement) but i really want to know how to land on planets and make a rover and stuff. I would love to create a moon base. I also have made a space station that is in a sun orbit (only cuz i failed to orbit kerbin.) but really landing on planets and things, and orbiting.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The tutorial in my signature doesn't give much detail about how to fly, but it has a lot on mission and vehicle design ...

    The best place to look for tutorials is The Drawing Board, or just browse the tutorials section of this forum.

    Thanks :D ill check all those out!

  3. Ok Guys, I recently made a thread about how i got stuck orbiting the sun. now my problem is, i cant orbit kerbin, I always overshoot and orbit the sun and no longer how hard i fight i dont have the skill to fix my orbit, Any assistance? if its possible? I didnt even know anyone could make this mistake.

    Edit: I can return to kerbin now from the help on my other thread, but i just want to orbit kerbin..

  4. Hello Everyone, I'm Rayge. I was hoping for as many tips you could supply put simply. so, try to keep a low count on the big words. cx but absolutely anything that could help me in my kerbal space program adventure would be welcomed!

  5. Got to the map view. Click on Kerbin, and click 'Set as Target'. Now look at the Nav ball. There will be a pink circle on one side and a pink tri-lobed object on the opposite side of the ball. These indicate the direction to (circle) and away from your target, Kerbin. Point your nose at the pink circle and burn. Watch the map, looking for a kerbin encounter. (Pro tip: Notice how the velocity vector ( yellow/green circle) will move toward where the nose is pointed while burning. Try and drag the yellow circle on top of the pink circle.)

    When you achieve an encounter, burn toward the retrograde velocity vector until your Kerbin periapse is 20,000m (20 km). Prepare to land.

    Hope this helps, and welcome to the Forum.

    Thanks for the help and welcoming!!!

  6. So basically I made a big ship to orbit kerbin/kerban (sorry Im new to the game dont really know how to spell it). It didnt end up like that. First mistake i made, I started my 90 degree turn early. then just a series of events went bad. I ended up with a big orbit that would meet up with the mun. I thought that was cool, passes the mun. then was on a different track, one i actually liked better, it was quite bigger, but i was still orbiting kerban/kerbin. So, after that it ended up i was going to go by the mun again, so when i entered the mun's orbit, i decided to try to stay in the mun's orbit. So, i boosted my rocket in a random direction for about 3 seconds, then went to the map, all of a sudden i was orbiting the sun at almost 11,000M/s. Any suggestions on what to do? Im pretty much BRAND NEW to Kerbal Space Program. I can barely manage to orbit. obviously. Jeb, Bill, And Bob are stuck. i have a decent amount of gas. I dont think its enough to bring me home but im not sure, I have 700/1440. in my tank. I sort of like the idea of being in a big orbit, for the fact that this ship was meant to orbit anyway. which for me basically means i stuck a bunch of big solar panels on the sides.

    So if you have any questions/Suggestions please reply, ill try to reply to you within around 5 hours. unless im sleeping. Thanks everyone!!

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