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Kosmonaut Space Program

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Everything posted by Kosmonaut Space Program

  1. Kosmonaut Space Program ​Portal @KSP_CCCPWebsite| Imgur|Blog/Reddit|Youtube Welcome to what I'll call "The Portal" This little page should give you access to everything having to do with the Kosmonaut Space Program. I'm still in the process of establishing myself and I have realized I was woefully unprepared for what I jumped into. I started this with out any preparation, and I now have to play catch up. Over the next few months I will establish my identity, schedule, the many web pages that need near constant updating, my own personal irl organization skills, and my integration into @KSA_MissionCtrl's fiction. Many fictitious KSP agencies have sprung up at the same time or after I started my account. KSA wants to keep his fiction in a close circle to prevent his story from running a muck, I understand this and hope that with the new arrivals the community can collectively grow and improve together with the goal of entertainment and fun. I hope to see all of you out there in space and I wish you good luck on your many launches. Link Descriptions @KSP_CCCP | This link is the Twitter feed that I use to broadcast the many <140 character updates of the UKKR (United Kerman of the Kerbin Republic) and the Kosmonaut Space Program. I would consider this the most important link simply because it's where you can get most of the updates and follow the story. Website | This is my website that is basically a second portal. It collects the content and displays it in a single place so it's very convenient for viewing purposes. Over time it will be updated and the layout will definitely change. I would prefer to use my website as the portal but as of now I am not skilled enough to do any advanced layout construction. While it does allow for more customization, I am not used to the program that allows me to build it, which limits my capabilities and therefore the presentation of the website. Imgur | This is a link to my Imgur Albums. All mission photos and logos are uploaded here for your viewing pleasure. The mission albums are also be posted to reddit. Blog/Reddit | Reddit will serve as my blog. I occasionally do updates describing any events and interactions with followers and other agencies. The updates also provide a "behind the scenes" kind of view. Youtube | This is probably my favorite link. It is where you can view all of the cinematics and secret messages of the UKKR and Kosmonaut Space Program. My favorite thing to do is to create cinematics in Kerbal Space Program. The videos will also be posted on reddit. If a video and a mission album correspond to one another, the will be contained in the same post.
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