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  1. Hi guys, You're absolutely right! I didn't realise the filters dropped down when you move the mouse to the top centre of the screen, thanks for you help!
  2. I'm not in the tracking station, I'm on the orbit view map once your controlling your space craft, it works fine from tracking station
  3. Hi, I right click the probe control module and rename it, then I usually change the name and class together. I do this when controlling the ship, so not in map mode. It's then when I change to map mode that I can no longer see the other types of craft? Thanks
  4. Hi, I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but I'd like to get your view on it. If I change the classification of my spacecraft in map view, I can't then see them from other classification of spacecraft. for example I launch a space station (which is actually a probe on launch) and once it's in space I change its classification to Space Station. Then when I launch the next modular section I cant see the original space station in orbit to target it? However, if I change the space station classification back, I can then see it. Any ideas? I can replicate this problem in a new game and existing game btw Thanks
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