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    Curious George
  1. Hello. This is my first craft that I wanted to show off despite being playing the game since before you had to buy it lol First things off. This is a modded aircraft so you will need these mods: -Procedural Landing Gear -MK2 Expansion Pack ---- Let's get started then The SPEAR is a 4 man aircraft (because that's just cool) Using the landing gear mod I was able to make some pretty .... under carriages. She's super maneuverable, fast AND stable because of her fine tuned control surfaces and RCS Vernor system Here's a full look at her front and rear WANT TO SEE THE REST OF HER? DOWNLOAD HERE!! Thank you for viewing and any comments or reviews would be appreciated
  2. I am doing a videogame development course and I have just started the business unit, so I chose to use Squad as the basis of my report. I wanted to ask the help of the KSP community and developers in helping me obtain the necessary information. All I would like to know is: - Who does what in Squad? How many people do modeling, coding, game art etc. - How does Squad operate, do they work in a building, through the internet or even both? And if they do work in an office, what kind of floor space do they have? I hope that this doesn't seem too intrusive and I would like to thank anyone for the information that they can share.
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