Hello all, this is Star Command. I am on a mission to explore the reaches of my solar system and explore every planet and investigate floating objects. I plan to eventually establish an outpost on the outside of it. This outpost would be self sufficient and be able to hold a maximum of 40 crew members. I realize that this may not be entirely possible in the current version of KSP but possibly with the help of future updates and mods. What I think would be awesome is if in a future update, if it isn't possible already (I'm not sure), is if you could escape the Sun's gravity and orbit and just float free or explore the stars and other solar systems. If that were possible I would build another out post or move my 40 man crew so that it it is perpendicular to the orbits of the planets and directly over the Sun just floating there, with windows facing the solar system. Another eventual goal is to establish colonies of Kerbals on other planets as well. That being said, I am fairly new to rocket science but I am good at physics and math. Currently I am in college and trying to work so it is alt to take in trying to learn all the math and balance everything else. It's honestly like a whole other class that I have to teach myself. Right now I my strategy is pretty much building a ship and launching it, and reverting to the build or launch until success. I really want to learn the math because I think that it would be awesome and it will save me a lot of time when it comes to doing everything if I can plan it out and know every step and piece. And for anyone interested, I currently have a lander crashed on the Mun with 2 stranded Kerbals, a lander with just enough fuel to return home orbiting between 20,000 and 33,000km, and a pod en route to establish an orbit around the Sun at 26,000,000-30,000,000km between the orbits of Duna and Dres. I plan to either send a rescue crew to the Mun or establish a colony there to save my stranded Kerbals and bring home my ship orbiting Kerbin. My pod orbiting the Sun will serve as my scout as I venture off into space as well as be a testament to my deep space explorations. I don't plan on it coming home, it has a 201 units of Liquid fuel and 246 units of oxidizer left powering a LT-N rocket motor. I am currently only using fuel to adjust orbit, but when my fuel does eventually run out I plan to either leave it where it stops or shoot it into space to float on forever if its possible. BTW: This is all in sandbox mode for now, I plan to also start a career at some point but I want to get good at the game first. Star Command signing off.