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Everything posted by Aviator17

  1. I have refreshed my CKAN list, but RO is still considered to be not compatible. How do I get the newest version?
  2. I am unable to get the main solar panels of the ISS to rotate. I thought maybe I assembled it incorrectly, but when I tried using the prebuilt config and some cheats to get it into orbit it had the same issue. Solar panels are tracking the Sun by rotating around the truss, but the truss is not rotating so that they lay flat (with the copula of the ISS down as it would be, the panels are aligned with the radial axis rather than prograde/retrograde in order to have full panel in view of Sun). EDIT: Added Photo
  3. I believe he was saying that no CSS RO Version for 1.0 was in development yet since the development of RO 1.0 has not been completed yet, mister RSS Get to it! Haha
  4. Ah, okay. Have not yet checked the RO thread, so I appreciate that heads up.
  5. I know that it hasn't yet been updated for 1.0 yet, but I was wondering if there is an ETA on the RO version? Thanks, and I have loved this mod so far, can't wait to start using it again, keep up the great work!
  6. Thanks for the reply. I believe that the main issue is what you had stated in part 2 of your reply. I am unable to maintain positive pitch control over the shuttle, and as a result the speeds are indeed excessive for the altitude.

    CSS does properly model the cut pattern in the SRBs (that provides variable thrust during launch), but I am unsure if real fules has broken that aspect. I have tried manually throttling the SSMEs, but to no avail.

    CSS's aerodynamics do not function properly in RO, so I will wait until the CSS is fully compatible with RO before reinstalling RO (I uninstalled RO pending CSS compatibility because I would prefer having a functioning CSS over RO at the moment.)

    Again thanks for the reply, and I believe it helped in determining the core issue.

  7. I understand that not all rocket engines have the ability to throttle. I am speaking exclusively about the SSME's of the CSS. The speeds do not seem excessive from my knowledge of shuttle launches (max q at approx. 6km and 350m/s, however, when the shuttle reaches about 1,000 m/s (roughly 2,000 mph) it begins to "burn up". The orange glow can be seen around the craft, which is definitely something that does not occur during a shuttle launch. Should I try limiting the acceleration to 3g instead of using limit to terminal velocity? Also, what could be causing the aerodynamic heating if the speeds are appropriate for real life? Note: this still does not correct the issue of a continuous nose over (arcs so badly that it does not get to "second layer" of atmosphere before being at 0 degrees of pitch). If the cause of this is not FAR, then what could be causing it? - - - Updated - - - Thank you, I did not notice that. I saw it on the list of recommended additions and assumed (wrongly so) that it was all set. I will certainly do so. - - - Updated - - - The SSME's appear to be functioning properly, so it is most likely that CSS is not yet entirely compatible. I will get back to you on the accuracy of the figures. EDIT: The TWR is off by .2 at launch. The value should be approximately 1.5, but is 1.7 at launch. I am not sure what the rate of change is on this as the shuttle climbs, but the launch values are definitely off. I will just have to wait until CSS is fully compatible. Thanks for trying to help, regex.
  8. The CSS definitely reaches terminal velocity, it encounters aerodynamic heating (which thanks to deadly reentry, destroys the shuttle). Yes the shuttle in real life climbs at a slightly nose low attitude (probably about 3 degrees), but it does not continue to pitch down further and further. In fact, in real life, the shuttle rotates to opposite its planned course and pitches up so that it is inverted. I am unable to keep the nose from lowering and as such don't have the ability to rotate it to opposite its planned course. I am not saying that it is pitching due to the planned course by mechjeb, as I have a lot of experience with mechjeb I know that this is not a maneuver that is under the control of mechjeb, but instead some unplanned pitching. My best guess is that the CSS is not compatible with FAR, so I will try uninstalling FAR. I will post after doing this to state whether or not this fixed the issue. As a result of all of these issues, I have yet to get it to orbit (although using the in-game SAS I was able to escape the atmosphere, but was unable to maneuver it into orbit, because as soon as I turned SAS off the shuttle started rolling and pitching all over the place).
  9. I installed this via CKAN. It installed normally and as far as I can tell the Realism Overhaul aspect of the install works properly. I also reinstalled CSS (after having reinstalled KSP itself in order to get a fresh start on mods). Before downloading Realism Overhaul, my CSS was working properly and with no issues. I have noticed that Realism Overhaul automatically (from what I can tell) updated the fuel burn rates of the CSS so that it is able to obtain orbit. Unfortunately there is an issue with my install that is causing my CSS.craft file (and as far as I have noticed, all other .craft files) to not properly build. There are parts within other parts and it appears as tho it is a scaling issue in that the parts are attempting to connect to hardpoints from the original scaling. This is a minor problem that does not affect me too much because I was able to rebuild the CSS manually. However, if there is a fix for this, I would like to know it. The bigger issue is that MechJeb2 does not appear to work with this mod (or series of mods rather). When I select the "limit to terminal velocity" option, it is incapable of doing so. It does not even reduce the power setting. The shuttle also is unable to maintain a vertical attitude, and unless I use the in-game SAS, continues to nose down during the ascent. I checked the aerodynamic information of FAR and found that the CSS was encountering a series of "minor stalls". I am not sure if the CSS is incompatible with FAR or if the issue is that my manual assembly is not "perfect". To sum this up I would like fixes (even if they are edits that I must make in my own files, or certain aspects of the mod that must be removed) for: CSS breaching terminal velocity CSS minor stalling/inability to maintain vertical .craft file clipping issue (due to scaling changes?) Thank you, and otherwise, awesome mod collection!
  10. I saw these, and took interest, but they appeared to not be detailed very well. They seem to be almost "stock" in their appearance which worried me. The exceptions to this were the products by dennyTX, but the L1 does not come with the lander, and the Proton has not been updated for .25 as far as I know (like you mentioned). I guess I will have to wait until he updates these projects. That said, the R7 series developed by raidernick looked very promising. I suppose I missed them because the post is titled as "Soviet Probes" and must have missed the "NOW WITH ROCKETS" somehow. Thank you. I would still like to get more responses in this thread down the road of any new developments along this line that improve upon what already exists.
  11. I was wondering if there was an add-on of the R7, L1, and Proton rockets (and maybe more) of FASA-level quality. I understand that Bobcat has a good add-on set, but I am looking for great. With the level of visual, accuracy, and (now with the new sounds of FASA rockets) audial detail of FASA. If Bobcat is working on improving his pack to this level then that will also work. If not, I would appreciate it if someone could begin work on such an add-on. Thank you.
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