Not so much a bug as it is a disagreement between Windows and Kerbal. Essentially, a lot of the game's information appears at the bottom of the screen. I would like to be able to SEE that information, but it's currently hidden behind the Windows 8 Taskbar. So I do what every rational person would think of, and attempt to resize the window, but you can't. I go into the options, and sure enough I find resolution options and Full Screen mode option. PERFECT! If not for one tiny detail. The ability to accept them, is BEHIND the taskbar, so I cannot accept these modes. I've tried moving KSP's window around to give myself room, but it doesn't work. Windows just snaps it back in place. I checked the In-Game options, but unfortunately none of those have resolution or full screen controls. It's not exactly gamebreaking, but it's a huge inconvenience. (oh, and I can't make the Taskbar any smaller than that to make it do what I want)