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    Curious George
  1. Thanks for the info. I will give the Trident a go! Another question. On my base I have a mining module, with the 2 fuel cells. When I active them, they give the error "Missing liquid fuel", while crossfeed is enabled (by default) and they're next to a fuel tank....
  2. Rune, one question... What is the best way to get resources, like fuel, to and from the Mün? I'm using stock KSP, so I won't be able to use KAS to transfer fuel to a lander. I have a station in orbit of the Mün, but to use it as a refuelling station, I have to be able to refuel the station as well. I hope you have any recommendations. Thanks! PS I will post pics of my bases soon!
  3. [quote name='Rune'] Hum. Have you tried finishing the burn with the CRADLEs themselves? Or are you using the Base-In-A-Shroud option? I do launch into a tight parking orbit (~70.5kms circular, usually) and fiddle with the node to do an efficient-ish transfer to Mun, but you should at the very least be able to park into a munar orbit where you can refuel. I do know I set up my latest Munar base (the one on these pics) using the shroud option, a Trident, and fuel depots in both munar and kerbin orbit to refuel the Trident... Which reminds me I've got to post the update to the Trident. Damn the new Mk1 cabin! Tell you what, if you actually read this and are still having issues, I can upload and post some new CRADLE files that I've got with extra-large upper stages, and that should give you a very ample margin (basically the rocket used for the Base-In-A-Shroud, with twice the fuel and engines on the upper stage). Or you know, if someone else wants them... it's a rather simple change, though. [/QUOTE] Thanks for your (late ;)) reply. I actually managed to adapt the booster stages to give me more than enough deltaV (8 SRB's, another fuel tanks, etc.) I know I should be able to make it with your rockets, but I'm lazy and not the most efficient :D I managed both the Munar and Minmus bases, although for Minmus I adapted some of the modules to include RCS thrusters, because they were too unstable in the low gravity. One of the fuel tanks flipped on its side when I deployed the landing struts and I managed to get it upright again with RCS (the torque wheel didn't help at all). Nevertheless it's a great method to deploy a base. I have a lot of fun!
  4. Wow this is awesome! I need to set up bases on the Mün and Minmus to fulfill contracts. I have tried a couple of times, but I cannot seem to get the boxes to the Mün with the DeltaV provided. I must really screw up the launches!
  5. This mod is great! But I have problems with reentry. I follow the steps from the manual and from post in this thread, but it seems like the Orbiter isn't losing speed fast enough. And keeps bouncing up into space. I use the Block 9 Orbiter. This is what I do: - Dump fuel - Make a deorbit burn roughly 90 degrees before KSC, so that the line ends just past the Island east of KSC - Pitch the Orbiter 20 degrees up when entering the atmosphere. When I do this, the oribiter keeps ascending because the speed doesn't drop fast enough. I also tried pitching down more, but I enter the atmosphere at 1500 m/s or faster and the Orbiter breaks up due to atmospheric stresses. Can anyone give me any pointers? Thanks!
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