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Everything posted by Nurffe

  1. Well yeah, I've visited both moons just once and took science samples from the landing site so I guess there is some more science waiting to be gathered then I have "unpaid research program" active from administrating building, didn't notice other plans which would give science Is there some complete list of science equipment I should fit to my rockets to gather more science? Been using just moon goo and science jr. module for now. However just unlocked more science: mobile lab and thermometer. Also is there some function for "ER-7500 Computer Flight Unit"? Also is it possible to build rover at the start of game? Would be awesome to drive around moon and do some science .. not so interested to fly around whole rocket to different places to gather science How does refueling work on orbit? I think that feature wasn't there when I last time tried KSP long long time ago.. Dock two ships together and ..? Right-click tanks to transfer fuel? If so I guess I gotta start learning to do some rendezvous on orbit.. I'm trying to keep as stock as I can. Lost interest last time after installing multiple mods Currently using KerbalEngineer and Protractor mods.. But will check mod you mentioned My mission to land minmus: mission success This is my current rocket (yeah, it might be little bit overkill but I run out of fuel once on my minmus mission so...) edit: Visited Duna and Ike orbit with probe today. Got like ~800 science just because I got my probe back to Kerbin. Don't see how I could land and get back from there Sending data remotely doesn't seem to be viable obtion. For that trip I would have gathered only ~240 science which isn't too much. Of course I wouldn't have to get back but... Duna Back to kerbin, upside down
  2. Recently decided to install KSP again to see whats new and well.. There is lot of new stuff! Anyways decided to sart in career mode so I don't build something err... big and... disastrous at the start I've now visited mun and minmus and done some science near kerbin of course. Now I'm wondering what to do next? I still don't have atomic engine for long range travels nor I don't think I've enough modules unlocked for landing to near planets. So how should I continue after conquering mun and minmus? I still have money but need more science to unlock more juicy modules What should I try next with my kind limited resources? Any tips?
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