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Everything posted by a10t2

  1. Oh man, I really don't want to be "that guy", but surely this isn't stock?! It's super sexy regardless, and you should really get some points for using FAR. Or separate categories maybe.
  2. The missile deployment from the RAPIER model was only "successful" in the sense that nothing blew up. It flopped around like a landed trout until it got below ~1.2 Mach.
  3. You could do a little better: one more point for altitude, 1-2 for time, and the five for a cargo bay. But the absolute maximum is probably just over 90.
  4. I couldn't help myself and took another run at this, swapping out the Panthers for RAPIERs and eliminating the second missile to cater to the challenge scoring a little better. https://imgur.com/a/T3LDRio +100 Direct Hit +23 Attack Altitude -21 Mission Time -5 External Stores -13.2 Radar Cross Section: (0.5*(3.1+11.2+12.1)) -10 Heat Signature +10 Cost Savings Total: 83.8 points
  5. Here's my entry: https://imgur.com/a/qrqOg8e I think scoring would be: +100 Direct Hit +13 Attack Altitude -31 Mission Time -10 External Stores: maybe -5 since the second missile doesn't count? -13.3 Radar Cross Section: (0.5*(3.0+11.2+12.4)) -10 Heat Signature +10 Cost Savings Total: 58.7 (or 63.7?) points
  6. Scoring question: do multiple hits count or only the first?
  7. After more trial and error than I'm really proud of, I was able to successfully run the mission on 23.049 t. Assuming everything else scores the same, that would be a total of 1955 points!
  8. If you have two rovers, with a Klaw on each, you can move station modules around without having to worry about shearing off docking ports.
  9. I stumbled across this thread while searching for tips to make my Mun mission lighter… Instead I may have the record for a rocket launch! It's a pretty basic Apollo-esque mission architecture, and it could definitely be optimized a bit. I was carrying >200 m/s extra dV at Kerbin interface, and I used essentially none of the 3.0 units of monoprop I brought for docking. A more skilled pilot could probably pare down the fuel, or try for the landing targets, or both. 23.720 t -> 2372 base points -150 for stock parts -100 for no autopilot -40 for docking with RCS = 2082 total points, if I'm reading the rules correctly. Edit: I reduced the monoprop to 1.0 and took 100 units of fuel out of the third stage. That brings the mass to 23.149 t, but with only 3% spare delta-v I haven't been able to successfully fly the mission yet. An autopilot mod could presumably do it, and also land at the monument, for a score of 2075.
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