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Everything posted by richfiles

  1. This reminds me of what happened to Minecraft and Film youtuber MumboJumbo. Had I think over 1100 or 1200 videos get flagged for music he had licensed from the artist that created the two songs (used in his opening and closing). Unbeknownst to him, the artist had used samples that themselves had not been properly licensed from Warner Chapell Music. He absolutely believed he was safe, that he had done everything right. Unfortunately, the artist had made an error, in his situation, and he had to manually use Youtube's editing tools to trim out the opening and closing of all of his videos. It's despicable. At the very least, there should be some provisions in place for people to be able to seek a license in such scenarios, or share revenue based on percentage of content... But nope! 6 seconds of content in the intro, and 10 seconds at the close warrants Warner Chapell taking 100% of his revenue. That is obscene! I wonder if Content ID locked onto some random original string of sounds that made it trigger a false positive on something in the Sony Library. I DEFINITELY hope this isn't a case of an artist using an unlicensed sample, or a licensed sample that the artist doesn't have the rights to sub license.
  2. That's technically correct (the best kind of correct! ) Putting it into practice though, it's not necessarily that big of an issue, unless you have a REALLY long slider potentiometer. A shorter pot won't have as much of an error. Don't forget that you are also a part of the feedback loop. As you adjust the lever to adjust the throttle, your adjustment will fine tune the lever's position based on your visual observation of the throttle setting on screen. You'd be shocked when looking at consumer devices, how few knobs actually line up with their scales. Any user controlled analog knob or lever will always be accurate, not based on linearity or scales, but because of user input derived from observation. The operator forms a closed loop feedback system. If you have an absolute desire to correct for the error, then that's easiest done in code. You could use a simple lookup table to return a calibrated throttle value based on the analog value. Wouldn't even need to worry about math, unless you want to. You could certainly incorporate the math in software instead.
  3. Meow! Meeeooow! Meow! Hisss! Merrreaow, meow, meooow! 'I was being chased by giants, and one leapt around like something out of a Wachowski movie! It was terrifying!'
  4. Well, I'd not just be making switch tabs. I'm also a model railroader... A VERY BAD hobby for anyone with a light wallet. If I'm gonna put money down on a 3D printer, I'd rather take the time to save up for a good resin printer. N scale is a 1:160 ratio, so the small details need to be very fine. I've seen amazing results with 3D resin printed model detail parts. A filament printer just doesn't have the detail level I'd want for modeling, and a cheap filament printer would likely be even less useful.
  5. My complaint... What on Earth is going on with Shapeways! My $60 cart with some Apollo style switch tabs is now suddenly $300! Their prices have gone so high, that it would cost me the same to BUY THE 3D PRINTER and DO IT MYSELF, than give them money to do it! Is Shapeways self destructing, or something? Big yikes! *EDIT And now it's $150. I don't think even THEY know what they're doing right now!?!?
  6. These silicone grommets are super cheap on AliExpress. They're used with tattoo guns. I've decided I want to 3D print Apollo style tab levers for the toggle switches, and I've ordered these to put on before epoxying the tab levers to the switch levers. I wanna see if using these will visually mimic the silicone hermetic seal that was on the MIL spec switches used on the Apollo instrument panels. I hope it looks good! I'll need to find an alternative to Shapeways. I have no idea what is going on over there, but my shopping cart that had $60 worth of Apollo tab lever switch caps was showing $300 yesterday, and today $150! I have no idea what madness is going on over there! Yikes! Anyone know a good alternative to Shapeways?
  7. Where did you get these printed. I'd like to get some of these. I had a shopping cart over at Shapeways with a bunch of them, but they have recently DRASTICALLY increased their prices (my $60 cart is now $300). I have a creeping feeling that they are maybe self destructing...
  8. My complaint... I'm broke and I can't afford a 3D resin printer, nor the new Nintendo Switch games I want. I also appear to be developing a cold.
  9. The version of Mac OS I am using has an incredibly annoying bug where both moving or copying files from one folder to another has MASSIVE preparation times, and sometimes it can take several minutes for a folder's contents to refresh or load. It's infuriating... Even more infuriating when you are trying to copy a folder with 58000 files, and then trash the files in the old location.
  10. So my plans to finish my circuit boards for work and deliver them nice and early tomorrow, so i'd have plenty of time for other things... Ehh... that didn't happen. Last month, I had a panic over the news of Google's background software that handles updating Chrome apparently BRICKING Macs, both retail Macs and Hackintoshes. The reason I was paranoid, was I'd updated Chrome the VERY DAY BEFORE the news broke! I have a Hackintosh, and it's getting a bit old, 6 years, but it was top of the line when I bought the parts, and it still gets the job done. It's also my PRIMARY computer! I'd like it to keep working. Anyway, the issue seemed to be that the /var directory was getting deleted by the Chrome install helper software. Yikes. Just, yikes! I don't know how something like that got out the door. Due to the nature of how things were affected, the computer would run fine, until you shut it down. On the next attempt to boot, it'd fail to boot. A set of terminal commands were released to test whether the /var directory had been affected on your machine, and as far as I was able to tell, mine was fine. The test said I was okay. It wasn't very reassuring when my computer failed to boot this morning, after the first restart since the Chrome scare. I messed around, unplugged hard drives and SSDs, and no matter what, I could get my old backup copy of Mac OS to boot (the old copy from 2013), and I could get Windows to boot... But not my later revision Mac OS on one of the 1 TB SSDs. Nope. Nothing. Nada. After accidentally letting it boot into windows, it started whining at me about updates... Okay, okay... I'll admit... I think the last time I booted into Windows was... 2016? Yeah, that sounds about right... it was a bit out of date... Updates. Took. Quite. A. While... Eventually, I got Windows completely up to date, watched a few Youtube videos and shut it down. i decided, Okay, i do need to check the 1 TB SSD to make sure it's not corrupted or something. The computer could see it in the BIOS and the boot selection, but it didn't get listed as a bootable drive. Rather than mess with BIOS, I just unplugged the SSD that has Windows 10 on it, and rebooted, expecting it to try booting into the old Mac OS from 2013... Nope. It booted into my main 1 TB SSD install, as if nothing at all had been a problem at all. It just worked. Like normal. Also, it now correctly reports GPU temps to Mac OS. In the past, I could only see CPU temps, not GPU. GPU info was not available. Now it works. This is by far, the absolute strangest, most possessed, voodoo, witchcraft infused Mac OS install I've ever seen in my entire life. When I ORIGINALLY installed Mac OS onto that 1 TB SSD... It failed to boot. I NEVER got it to work. the drive sat connected, but unable to boot, for a year. I just relied on the old 2013 Mac OS install on a hard drive. None of my periodic attempts to boot the SSD ever were successful. My motherboard failed in 2016, and I had to send it in for service. When I got it back, the computer MAGICALLY just started booting from the 1TB SSD, as if nothing was wrong. Well, as if it finally figured out what was wrong. I remember specifically, it got to the point in boot where it always failed in the past. An infinite hand int he boot process... Only that time, it said something about rebuilding something, rebooted on it's own without completing the boot process, and then successfully completed booting. No installer thumb drive was present. It was the oddest spontaneous self fix I think I've ever seen! Absolute weirdness. I mean, there must be SOME kind of recovery aspect... Maybe a safe mode... I honestly have no idea what the heck happened, but that's how it played out. Maybe something in the BIOS was slightly changed when it was repaired. I dunno. This install has now experienced two spontaneous recoveries that I don't understand, and has seen three years of service... If SSDs weren't still so expensive, I'd probably put this one on display like a relic! The holy self resurrecting OS! Anyway, it seems to be working again, albeit, with the Windows SSD unplugged... But that's not even the most important issue...On the bright side, I still have Creme Soda left, and that's right up there with Root Beer (Even better, cause you can mix it with orange and have orange creme soda! ) Maybe now that I'm back up and running, with some voodoo mumbo jumbo holding my system together, I'll take a shot at Installing an even newer version of Mac OS on my other 1 TB SSD. I figure, if I install it before Christmas, I ought to be able to finally use it by Christmas 2020! Additional complaints... Apple needs to get over their feud with Nvidia. Apple just released their second OS (that's 2 years now) where it's IMPOSSIBLE to run any 900, 1000, or 2000 series GTX or RTX card, not for any good reason other than Apple refuses to grant certifications to Nvidia's drivers, all cause of some stupidity that happened a decade ago. Since I run a 980ti, I'm stuck with maxing out at Mac OS 10.13, and can't use 10.14 or the brand new 10.15. I always preferred Apple's AMD drivers over Nvidia's finicky drivers, but I let a friend convince me to switch to team green... Right as a new OS revision was released that I couldn't upgrade to, cuz Appul's feud. Honestly, I wish I'd have waited a little longer and just gotten a Vega 64 back then. It's a dead heat, performance wise, compared to a 980ti, and Apple actually supports it in their OS. I'd seriously consider selling my 980ti and putting that toward buying a Vega 64, or an RX 5700, but the issue I have, is I think I bought a dud 980ti... I have NEVER seen he fans spin, and with it booted into Windows, I played around with both clearing fan profiles, and setting new ones... Nothing i could do could induce fan spin. Even getting the GPU temp up to 83°C. My solution all this time... Had been building a cage of case fans around my GPU. three 120mm case fans blow air into my GPU. I'm 100% sure there's something wrong with my out of warranty, used 980ti. Not gonna get much money for a defective card, even if it "*technically" works. Blows that plan out of the water. Between aging hard drives (some date to 2010), aging CPU (mobo, CPU, RAM, and cooler ALL need to be upgraded, and it would be dumb not to use an NVME drive), and my legitimate need for an AMD GPU to keep doing the Hackintosh thing... I'm not looking at a cheap build. SSD prices are coming down nicely, but they haven't reached bulk storage prices yet, and my current income doesn't exactly support any of these expenditures at all. It's just really discouraging.
  11. I actually got some of that stuff, for my model train hobby. It's far simpler though, for the buttons. I have Nekoosa Synthetic Paper. I can just print directly onto it, cut the square out, and insert it into the switch housing. It works great!
  12. My complaint for the day is that I miss the like button, very much. I know that there is an issue with the forum that requires fixing. I hope they figure it out soon, so I can return to giving easy positive opinions on other people's comments with the click of a simple button. Also, my Air conditioner nearly started a fire. Dumb thing is supposed to cool my place, not smoke it out! The outlet was defective. High resistance led to heating, heating led to arcing and melting of plastic. A power monitor and my AC GFCI plug both got nuked in the process. The scariest part, is I acquired this AC about three or so years ago, cause my old one was just not keeping up anymore. It was used, but worked. On installing it, it just barely kept up, but I got the distinct impression that it probably wasn't gonna last more than a year or two... Three years later, and it was in the same state. Ever since replacing the outlet and the power cord though, it now runs super efficiently. I used to have to set it lower than what I wanted to cool the place to. after the cord and outlet replacement, I let it run after testing to be sure all was good. My living room got down to 65°F (18.3°C). It occurs to me that the high resistance of the outlet was limiting the performance of the AC's compressor, and removing that high resistance state has returned the AC to optimal operating condition... But poor performance, and not outright failure was also why I retired my old one in the first place. I'm realizing the outlet has probably just been bad for the past seven years, and it only now got bad enough to melt! Terrifying!
  13. Production circuit boards. They're not that particularly complex, but I'm mounting through hole magnetic field sensors (hall effect sensors) to one side of the board, and leadwires to the other side. I have to maintain both spacing between the insulation of the leadwires and the board, and the angle they sit at, and flush cut the leads, and have a requirement to reflow the flush cut with solder. I do a 100% functional test of every sensor on every board. I have to clean the boards in Isopropyl alcohol and then bake the boards to evaporate anything left on them, conformal coat them, and bake them again to cure the conformal coating. Individually, the boards aren't complex, but there are a lot of very "fiddly" requirements for them to pass. I think they go into medical centrifuges. Not me, for the past three days... Verizon, Sprint, and Comcast/Xfinity have all had spotty service. For three days in a row, I've found myself with periods where I have no terrestrial internet, no mobile data, and no mobile service at all. Like, I couldn't even make a call or send a text, much less an email!
  14. Recent announcements, combined with both recent and not so recent (but consistent) bad behavior by Take Two make me worry. It drives me crazy that such an awful company like Take Two bought such an amazing game like KSP. I will gladly concede that they've handled KSP well enough in the past couple years, but they still do not have my trust. I've seen how they do things in relation to other games, streamers, and creators, and it always worries me. I hope my fears are entirely unfounded, but it still nags at the back of my mind. I trust Take Two about as far as I could lob a Saturn V by hand. That said, I have some hope in this new team Star Theory. They seem passionate about KSP, and I think they will do a wonderful job... I said this elsewhere, but it bears repeating... I'm exited to see what Star Theory creates... But we can't forget who their publisher is, and who owns (and thus ultimately controls) the game. My concerns over KSP's future nags at me. This especially sucks, cause it's distracting me, and I should be getting back to work... I normally build 25 circuit boards a week for my job... I got 85 this week! Oof... I really need to get on that! Yikes!
  15. The developer understands, but Take Two has a documented history of not understanding this concept well. From what I've seen of Star Theory, they seem like a great dev team with a lot of passion for KSP, and I'm exited to see what they create... But we can't forget who their publisher is, and who owns (and thus controls) the game.
  16. Thank you for bringing up Take Two's fiasco with GTA V. I was gonna mention it, but you beat me to it. When Take Two first bought KSP, they were mired in the controversy over C&Ding Open IV, the modding tool used in GTA 4 & 5. The C&D originally occurred because people were creating mods that introduced GTA Online exclusive elements into the single player game. Never mind the fact that Rockstar pretty much abandoned the single player to focus 100% on the monetization of Online... The fact that they were creating content exclusively for online (to draw people away from single player and into monetization land), then attempted to kill the entire modding community by attacking the modding tools themselves for people daring to try to have fun in single player... Yikes. This is why no one trusts Take Two, and why everyone with half a mind fears the reach of their monetization. Lets not forget that in the two years since Take Two took over, we've had 75% of the value of the game (when not on sale) already monetized in the form of DLC. We never had DLC before. We just got feature updates. Take Two has already been testing the waters of monetization in KSP. THANKFULLY, it's been quality content with substance, so I'll give them credit on that. They did it RIGHT... But they did it. There in lies the fear. They tested the waters with KSP1 with substantial DLC. I think free feature updates are probably a thing of the past. I do suspect that we'll be at least dropping $15 annually on KSP 2 for "new feature DLC". I guess as long as it provides substantial features, I can tolerate that, as it supports the dev... But it marks a drastic shift, regardless. Micro transactions are something I NEVER want to see come to KSP, ever. If Take Two intends to monetize KSP 2, then restrict it to the way they've handled it for the past two years... Feature updates. I don't like fragmenting the player base with paid upgrades, but I'd more tolerate that than the exploitative micro transactions Take Two are notorious for. At the very least, They need to come to understand that Modding isn't something tacked onto the game, but an intrinsic feature of the game, and a core aspect of the community. If they EVER DARE to attack the modding community, mods, or modding functionality, they need to understand that what they are actually doing is attacking KSP 2 itself. I won't even tolerate DRM on my KSP. The ability to pull KSP into it's own folder with it's own mod set, and launch it independently of any launcher has been a crucial aspect of the game. I keep different "eras" of save games. That's something I'm not okay with losing. The wild success of KSP is a TESTAMENT to DRM free software. And that's something else that terrifies me about Take Two looming over KSP 2. I don't trust Take Two. I need to see it to believe it, and even then, I'm still gonna be skeptical of KSP 2 till some time passes, and I'll never stop scrutinizing it for Take Two corruption.
  17. Oh boy... I hope all that fresh mod-ability they talked about in the KSP 2 announcement translates well to the KSP serial IO mod needed for this instrument panel project to work! Very importantly, I hope that the data packets can be maintained between versions. It'd be awfully inconvenient to have to change things to make this work on KSP 1 vs 2.
  18. I certainly hope that KSP 2 cooperates with the level of mod access needed to continue this, and that you continue to support this amazing mod when KSP 2 releases.
  19. I am both interested, AND concerned about the Kerbol system. As much as I'd LOVE for it to be extended to include Kerbalike variants of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, I happen to also be a HUGE fan of OPM. I'd be very saddened if all the work that went into OPM was rendered useless. I'd like for OPM to get ported to the new KSP 2, but whether the Kerbol system has new planets or not could drastically effect how modders systems get implemented (or whether they even bother to remake their planet mods into KSP 2). If new planets ARE added, I feel there should be a setting toggle that allows the new planets to be distributed around another star, and to permit modded planets to replace them, or alternately, to take a planet mod, and assign it to a star, to make it's own interstellar system.
  20. Given my dislike of Windows, and the fact that Apple is constantly being rumored to switch to ARM CPUs in their Macs... I feel like the days of Hackintoshes may be numbered. I currently run a Hackintosh, as I much prefer using Mac OS for everyday use. Should Apple make the switch to ARM someday, I will definitely favor Linux as my primary OS over Windows, so Linux support (and by extension, Mac OS support, as that's what I currently use) are very important to me.
  21. I'm gonna be honest... KSP has seen WONDERFUL success since it first released, and has a passionate community. I keep backups of every single version release and the associated mods that are compatible with it in a separate folder, not attached to Steam. I have long running games that broke between different versions, and If I ever wish to go back to any particular one, I'm set up to be able to independently launch any version. KSP has had incredible success, and it definitely helps that it's been available on not just Windows, but Linux and Mac OS systems as well, and has been DRM free for all this time. If I give only one piece of feedback, it is this... KSP needs to remain DRM free, capable of launching independently from any launcher, and people need to be able to retain copies of it to back up different versions. People like me run far too many mods to rely on version selection. Please keep KSP DRM free Please support all the major OS platforms, Windows, AND Linux and Mac OS. I also have no problem if you make it available on multiple launchers... Just so long as there is NO EXCLUSIVITY. I'm fine if Epic gets KSP 2 as well, but only so long as Steam also keeps it too.
  22. Screenshotted... For posterity. I don't trust Take Two at all, but Star Theory look to be a passionate team, so I hope Take Two doesn't pressure you. As angry as i am with Take Two for many other non-KSP reasons, I'll gladly buy the new game because I love KSP, and want it to succeed. Good luck, and Godspeed.
  23. I actually work at a machine shop. I have access to a large mill, and even the option to use it, but I also don't have the final dimensions for the tape meter, DSKY, and ∆v carriage meter designs finalized, so I've not cut anything out yet. One thing I may do is cut the space for the edgewise meters, the navball, and the vertical velocity meter. Not too worried about that. As for the arcade switches, I don't know if those ones you linked specifically are relegendable or not, but I have a pair of similar switches that definitely are. The tactile feel is "clicky". Most arcade style switches typically use industry standard Cherry style momentary switch hardware for the actual switch. Honestly, I absolutely hate Amazon for anything parts... They have very poor representation and search features... To the point that I avoid it. For basic components, I tend to favor Digikey first, then Mouser, then ebay, then aliexpress. I trust ebay to provide a better selection of arcade style switches, and aliexpress to provide the lowest cost (but greatest ship times), since it's a Chinese vendor site. Here is an ebay link for 10 of those switches, with clear covers, for $20. This video shows round buttons, but the rectangular and square versions tend to let you change the insert in exactly the same way. If you want flush or semi flush buttons, and the switch has significant height over the surface of the panel, then you can use two panels. The top panel would have cutouts sized just big enough for the actual button itself, and the second panel would be mounted below the top panel with spacers. The second panel is where the pushbuttons are actually mounted. The video effects panel switches I have are PC board mount, so you'd need to solder them to a board, then mount that board to your panel with spacers. I just used generic proto board PCB material and drilled the holes for the alignment posts with a small drill. You can see the pictures of how I mounted them on this thread. For the 5v vs 3.3v issue, look for level shifters. I definitely recommend digikey for finding specific LEDs, due to the parametric search, but if you know what you want, check ebay. I recently picked up 100 3mm UV, 100 5mm White, and 100 5mm slow changing RGB LEDs, Spent only $8-12 per 100 piece lot of them. I got the red/green bi-color LEDs from Digikey years back, and sourced them there, cause I knew exactly what I'd be getting. For indicators, I highly recommend diffusing LEDs. They will have a lower brightness rating than clear lens LEDs, but the diffused lens will more evenly spread the light out over the button. You don't need that much for indication, else it could be a distraction. 10-14 mcd is common for indication. I know the bidirectional LEDs in my DSKY keypad work well. If you need brighter, you might need to see if you can fit a pair of individually brighter LEDs in a back to back configuration, and fit it where the single LED would normally go inside the switch. Also, if you haven't already done so, I'd definitely suggest starting a build thread for your own controller project. I'd be happy to help out where ever I can.
  24. That Adafruit board looks perfect for the job. Nice controller plans too! Regarding the backlit keys, I think they were about $6 each when new, but all mine are salvaged. I have a bunch of extras. I think 107 of the smaller ones and I think 62 of the big ones. The small ones are about 0.45 inches square, and the large are about 0.7 inches square. They all support a 2 lead 3mm LED. Mine have red/green opposing polarity LEDs installed, which allows the creation of red, green, and any yellow or orange if I PWM it. You can fit any color 3mm 2 leaded LED in the switches. Given the difficulty in acquiring them, I'd really prefer to hold on to some of the larger ones. The small ones, I'm willing to let go of more readily, since I have so many. I know they are smaller than the Apollo ones, but you're also not wearing a space suit, so they would probably work. PM me if you want. Man, $25 a switch is nothing... I once price checked the Honeywell tab lever toggles... Oh boy... Three digit price tag... Each! It drives me mad that such an iconic toggle design hasnt been mimicked by the Chinese switch makers. Sure, they got plenty of Bat lever and paddle lever toggles, but nothing like the textured tab levers. You can get 3D printed caps from places like Shapeways though, to epoxy to a standard toggle. You just gotta find a toggle with a lever that doesnt spin. Some of the cheaper ones will spin.
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