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  • About me
    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Ship Damage / Eclipse And if your stage burns up many years to soon, And if there is no room in the capsule, And if your ship explodes and your rover too, I see you on the dark side of the Mun.
  2. This is my concept on how to reload the bombs. This is the most interesting part of the challenge, your huge bombers and the sheer amount of mass you are transporting are impressive thought.
  3. Introduction: This is supposed to be a narrative project, it is based on real world space-race history and the Earth 2150 game trilogy. Since I'm not a native speaker you can expect a lot of horrible grammar and spelling errors, i hope you enjoy this project anyway. 16th century - Kinese Empire - Kan Kerman In 16th century, the kinese rocketry was the most developed on Kerbin. Out of the many war engineers, chemists, philosophers and snack merchants, one Kerbal stood out: Kan Kerman. Being a kinese official he had nothing better to do, then trying to reach to space. His brave sacrifice, should define the soul of the Kerbals for centuries. Even 300 years later there are two main traits needed to be a kerbonaut: courage and stupidity...
  4. This isn't an official entry but a funny idea i had with a drop pod system. Those "lawnchairs" were inspired by the famous bomb riding scene in Kubricks Dr. Strangelove. The ion engine actualle provides a lot of thrust for those small pods but energy is a problem, you really have to be very good in calculating landing sites and atmospheric drag to land where you want. Here it is. The "Mein-Kerbal-I-can-Walk":
  5. If you are very patient and go a minimalist route, i would be possible to reach all of Kerbins biomes with a rover. Since there is only one continent on Kerbin, all of the bioms can be reached by land. Assuming you constanly travel with 20 m/s i would take around 10-12 hours to reach all of the biomes, while this obviously not a viable strategy on Kerbin this effect could be used on Minmus. With a lab-rover you could reach all of Minmus's Biomes in 30 minutes. Still a lot but you should consider it if you plan to use as few mass as possible.
  6. Craft Name: Biome MIRV Stock / Non-Stock Entry: Stock Celestial Body: Kerbin Number of Biomes: 8 Total Mission Cost: 375.000 (-8 recovered "Warheads) Highest Science Tier: Full Unlocked Tech Tree This is my first attempt. I used 8 reentry vehicels with a thermometer and a goo each. Those vehicels were launched by rocket and 4 were mounted on each orbiter, the orbiter is capable of changing from an aquatorial orbit to a polar orbit. This is by no means an efficient way to visit all biomes on Kerbin but it was fun. http://imgur.com/a/SfNjd
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