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Everything posted by KSP_ftw

  1. i just used the fighter jet you provided with the update... could your improved chase cam mod be interfering?
  2. also i've just realised that if you retract the back landing gears of the bd bomber and then deploy it again it makes the tail break off! ^^
  3. once again, great mod! i love playing the new update! two things though: all guns (including fixed ones) have a slider, which is also visible while playing showing "MinPitch" ranging from 500-3500. It doesn't really seem to do something, might be some kind of bug... And more important the reticles of both the vulcan and the Gau are not properly working! sometimes they do not appear at all and sometimes they are displayed exactly on top of the muzzle of the respective gun (i.e. also if viewed from the side). I was able to recreate that in various different scenarios. Only other mod i use is your improved chasecam mod.
  4. great stream yesterday! have you already posted the craft file you promised us?
  5. Soooo awesome! This is literally the best mod ever! Thanks guys!
  6. Benjee and everybody else who was involved in creating this mod: Thank you! You guys are doing an awesome job and as cripion already said, it is so cool to see this baby grow up right from the beginning into such a cool mod!
  7. We are all just absolutely hyped! That's why we want it! But of course we understand that it takes as much time as it does, and we respect that!
  8. Holy Cow benjee the endurance looks absolutely amazing! Keep up the awesome work! One question, can you already guess when you'll be releasing the mod or are you not sure yet?
  9. Awesome mod! I'm not sure whether that has already been asked before but here is a problem/question that I was unable to solve: I like to use the mod in a way that I use the weapon manager's option "fire" bound to an action group to fire missiles/bombs etc... This works very well for the latter options but if I select any kind of gun from the weapon list it does not fire. I can only fire it by pressing the left mouse button. I would really love it if I could also use that "fire" option on them as I play with a joystick and then I can bind its trigger to said action group. (It does also not work if I just press the number of the keyboard, without the joystick attached. so no joystick problem) Does anybody know how to solve that issue?
  10. There would be an easy solution for the inverted orientation. As someone else has already mentioned the lander has a dockingport on top of it (the one they use in the movie to put the endurance back in orbit after certain things happen... I don't want to give to big spoilers for anybody who has not seen the movie yet). If you'd use stock docking ports you could just use the "control from here" button to change the orientation of the craft. If you do the ports on your own then maybe you could implement that function? O man this mod is looking better every day that I check on it! So looking forward to playing around with it!
  11. WOW this mod looks just fabulous! In my opinion this is going to be one of the best ones ever made for KSP! About that whole playable TARS/CASE topic: Personally I have no knowledge to help you in whatsoever way with that. But a playable TARS reminded my of BahamutoD's critter crawler (http://gfycat.com/GloriousColorfulGreathornedowl). Obviously it is not the exact same thing but he did something with moving legs that extend and retract, so he might also be able to create a walking (or even rolling) TARS. If you want I could contact him and ask whether he would be interested! Or do it yourself if you prefer to do that! Once again thanks for making such an awesome mod!
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