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Bottle Rocketeer
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Ah, I had it doing the latter thing before, but I removed it. I\'ll add it back in. As for the first part, that is also a good idea.
Thanks for the, well, thanks! I have not disappeared, by the way. Things are still going, and I\'m still looking to make this expand!
That\'s... bizarre. There\'s a whole lot of weirdness with Google accounts going on. I\'m pretty sure that isn\'t an issue with my code. Granted, if it isn\'t, there isn\'t much I can do to fix it. Come Thursday though I should have the new version at least somewhat running, which will completely replace the login system here. EDIT: It\'ll be done sooner if someone wants to solve the Schrodinger equation with the Hamiltonian p^2/2m + 1/2 mw^2 x^2 + qEx for me! Ugh, grad school takes the fun out of life.
Oh it\'s not impossible to do that, it\'s just not a good idea unfortunately. There are just too many ways for it to break everything. There\'s no solution like that that isn\'t really fragile overall. I could definitely import image files stored with the part files. That is certainly doable and might simplify things quite a bit. I\'ll try to add that feature as well. As you may have noticed though, my updates haven\'t been as quick lately. So far this week I\'ve been doing a ton of electrodynamics and quantum mechanics homework, and I have to grade 1000 pages worth of papers by Monday... Suffice it to say things are a bit rough. Still, I am making steady progress on the new version. However, as I said before, any packages uploaded to the current version will be moved to the new version, so it\'s a great idea to add packages now. I\'m hoping to get more people to upload their work.
Alright, I just had a good idea, I think... I\'ll allow any registered used to upload a screenshot, and then the package owner can approve it so that it\'ll be visible to everyone. Seems like a pretty simple, elegant way to solve the image problem...
It is definitely possible right now for every part to have an image, but the owner of the package has to upload it. It is unfortunate, but it isn\'t at all possible for me to generate those images automatically.
Ah, I left out those vectors since I didn\'t think anyone would be searching for that specifically. I should have been more clear. I\'m trying to figure out what parameters people would look for specifically. I\'ll definitely check out KSP Factory though! Also, no, it\'s Python running on Google App Engine. Their NoSQL database counts each field as being several writes, and even uploading a medium sized addon would use up my daily quota then when I stored most of the parameters. It was a mess. I\'m moving to a VPS soon, but I have to remove all of the App Engine specific components. It\'ll be a lot better in the end, but man it kind of sucks redoing everything...
So, for the rewrite, I have to figure out all over again what parameters to actually store and make searchable. The first version stored 56 parameters, but my DB didn\'t like that so I rewrote it in a trickier way so that all of those parameters were readable, but impossible to search over. Now, I have the opportunity to store all of those parameters again, but I\'d like to check which ones are important. Right now I have the list of parameters below. I\'ve bolded the ones that I think are important, but I wanted to check with you fine people to see if I have it right. Are there any that are important that I\'m missing, or are any of the ones I think are important not really that worthwhile? Please help me out! Main: crashTolerance, specPower, title, texture, name, module, cost, category, scale, attachRules, subcategory, manufacturer, alphaCutoff, rimFalloff, maxTemp, dragModelType, author, description, mesh, angularDrag, mass RCSModule: maximum_drag, thrustVector0, thrustVector1, thrustVector2, thrustVector3, minimum_drag, fuelConsumption Winglet: deflectionLiftCoeff, maximum_drag, explosionPotential, minimum_drag, dragCoeff FuelTank: emptyExplosionPotential, maximum_drag, fuelCrossFeed, minimum_drag, breakingTorque, fuel, dryMass, fullExplosionPotential, breakingForce SolidRocket: emptyExplosionPotential, ActivatesEvenIfDisconnected, maximum_drag, heatProduction, fuelCrossFeed, minimum_drag, thrustVector, dryMass, breakingTorque, fuelConsumption, thrustCenter, thrust, fullExplosionPotential, internalFuel, breakingForce, stageAfter, stageBefore Decoupler: maximum_drag, fuelCrossFeed, minimum_drag, ejectionForce, childStageOffset, stageOffset, breakingTorque, breakingForce, stageAfter, stageBefore FuelLine: angularStrength, maximum_drag, explosionPotential, linearStrength, minimum_drag, maxLength Parachutes: autoDeployDelay, useAGL, semiDeployedDrag, minAirPressureToOpen, fullyDeployedDrag, deployAltitude, closedDrag, stageOffset Strut: emptyExplosionPotential, maximum_drag, explosionPotential, minimum_drag, dryMass, stackSymmetry, fuel, fullExplosionPotential, fuelCrossFeed, breakingTorque, breakingForce CommandPod: impactTolerance, rotPower, maximum_drag, minimum_drag, Kd, linPower, Kp RCSFuelTank: emptyExplosionPotential, maximum_drag, minimum_drag, fuel, dryMass, fullExplosionPotential, fuelCrossFeed, breakingTorque, breakingForce StrutConnector: angularStrength, maximum_drag, explosionPotential, linearStrength, minimum_drag, maxLength, breakingTorque, breakingForce ControlSurface: deflectionLiftCoeff, maximum_drag, explosionPotential, minimum_drag, dragCoeff, ctrlSurfaceRange, ctrlSurfaceArea RadialDecoupler: maximum_drag, minimum_drag, ejectionForce, childStageOffset, breakingTorque, fuelCrossFeed, stageOffset, breakingForce, stageAfter, stageBefore SASModule: maximum_drag, minimum_drag, breakingTorque, Kd, Ki, maxTorque, Kp, breakingForce LiquidEngine: maximum_drag, thrustVectoringCapable, heatProduction, minimum_drag, minThrust, maxThrust, thrustVector, dryMass, gimbalRange, fuelConsumption, thrustCenter, breakingTorque, breakingForce AdvSASModule: maximum_drag, minimum_drag, Kd, Ki, Kp
So, the rewrite is taking quite a bit longer than I expected. Who knew doing it right the first time was such a good policy! I am still working on it, and it will incorporate all of your suggestions as best as I am able to. The site should also be quite a bit faster, and downloads will be done from a CDN so that should be very fast.
That also sounds like a good idea! Thanks for all of the suggestions, guys. Now, onto the semi exciting/depressing news: The backend for KSP Yard isn\'t the best, and it seems to be causing some issues. I\'m starting on a significant rewrite now to fix these issues permanently, and also allow for a transition to cheaper/faster hosting in the near future. The site will continue to be up, and it\'s still worth uploading your addons. Once the new version is out, I will move them over to it without losing any important data. There are quite a few big changes that will happen, but really I\'m fixing the things that I kind of hastily added to the site right now. Things like the Disqus comment system will probably get thrown out for a better solution, for example. All of the suggestions here will be included as well. In fact, they\'re why I have to rewrite it, really. I\'m hoping to get through most of this in a week, since my classes are really starting to ramp up now.
Do you mind if I use your general description of the addon format for the upload page?
A progress bar is in the works. I was just looking at some flash stuff to do that yesterday. Handling remote uploads would be tough though. It works better for images, but for large zip files like this it\'s a harder problem, especially with how file sharing places work. EDIT: Also, something broke with your upload. I\'m looking into it now. EDIT 2: Fixed, temporarily. There\'s an issue with certain characters in package names. I\'ll have a fix up later tonight. VVV I am, actually, but it\'s being weird.
Well, I removed it. There\'s a lot of caching behind the scenes so that probably didn\'t show up right away. That\'s an interesting idea. A bit challenging possibly to implement, but I\'m considering a major rework of the system (to support cheaper hosting), and I\'ll definitely try to integrate something like this in. I guess I could make it work in a similar manner as the screenshots do. How does that sound?
It has the beginnings of that capability. I\'m actually working on that, but there are a few other things I want to get done first. It is definitely on the to-do list though.
I do have permission from him. I hadn\'t realized how outdated it was or that it was superseded. I\'ll remove it. I guess I wanted to keep it around, since it was the first addon I had on the site. :\'(