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Everything posted by Sasami_TN
.. it would be a good thought that while astronauts are growing their own food crops in space (I still think they need a module for food on the ISS), that they can measure growth, track water usage, crop yields, flavor consistency, and other things which planetside researchers may not be able to replicate (microgravity and ambient radiation environment wise). While into this first posting, the idea occurred to me that successive plant generations grown in a radioactive environment may show genetic adaptation in a way that researchers might could learn from toward applying that knowledge for astronaut travel in space. The plants around Chernobyl can be a reference source, but there are other forms of radiation in space that could affect plants at the cellular level. It would be a nice bonus to find out that plants can heal themselves of a form of cellular "cancer" and apply that toward a human cure of cancer. Groundbreaking idea's can sometimes come from the most simple and unobtrusive sources, such as plants. -Sasami (^___^)/
Hello Kerbal tech division. You have a very wonderful product here which has brought me (and the world at large) much smiles and loss of productivity with household chores. However there is one recurring issue which should be a real easy fix for the programmers there. While in the spaceship construction building, at the top of the screen where it says that your vessel's name is "Unnamed Vessel" or something. When I go to type in a number like "Science Vessel 3".. the number "3" doesn't really stand out and is actually quite smallish compared to the other letters. So perhaps change the font to Arial or another style, please? Not a biggie, and should only take a second or two to fix. That's the only downside I've experienced with your astronaut game. Well, probably could use a few more surface lights. Have a merry holiday and stuff. Sincerely, -Sasami (^___^)/
Can someone make a red flashing light?
Sasami_TN replied to Sasami_TN's topic in KSP1 Mods Discussions
http://www.pix8.net/pro/pic.php?u=3365epM5u&i=11591507 It game me 16 pages to search through, approx 22 threads per page (or something). So it would take me awhile to look through all the threads to find out why it was captured in the "aviation lights" qwery search. How did you just end up with one result? -
The future of vegetables in spaceflight NASA released a statement saying that of all the vegetables they have worked with, that the sweet potato would most likely be the go-to vegetable of choice for astronauts because it's packed full of vitamins and minerals. My thoughts were that there is just so much (ie: very little) that you can do with a sweet potato as it turns to mush. So I was wondering what type of research can be done in concern of vegetative growth in space. Possible (MOD) projects: 1. Hydroponic module to test how much water is actually needed in a microgravity environment and if a sealed moist environment would promote good vegetative growth without the need of an actual supply of water at the roots. 2. Sunlight requirements. Which filtered glass color on a module greenhouse would promote plant growth and which colors hinder plant growth. 3. Fruit sugar research: Would growing fruit in a micro-gravity environment change the natural development of fruit sugars in the plant. Like would oranges be bitter or super sweet? 4. Ambient radiation effects on plant tissue: Research potential to see what effects that ambient space radiation would have on living plant tissue (which need sunlight) and to see if later generations of the plant adapts genetically adapts to the radiation. 5. Growth potential of plants: Is there a standard increase in size of a vegetable grown in micro-gravity versus regular growth on Earth? I think we should measure plant growth to see if there is indeed a statistical growth standard. (post your research idea's on how we can study plants in space) -Sasami (^___^)/
(The soviet kerbal nation is currently sending Mir station components into orbit by way of their Buran reusable space shuttle program.. to have their own political foothold in space along with other emerging spacefaring kerbal nations. So I thought a historical briefing was in order) A Complex Ancestry Mir was the last (the seventh) in a series of Soviet orbital stations. It's predecessors were known under the name Salyut (numbered 1 through 6). The first design of what later became a typical module of Salyut configuration was made in the 1960's by the rocket company which had just come up with the Proton (then the most powerful Soviet launcher). The Proton's throw weight capability defined the mass of the orbital station module at about 20 metric tons. It's size (4 meters in diameter) derived from practical restrictions imposed by railway transportation. Mir's design was a configuration of several modules, each dedicated to different tasks. For example, the Kvant module carried the first Soviet high-energy astronomy package, combining several gamma and X-ray telescopes. Prior to the Mir station, this branch of space science was almost nonexistent in the Soviet Union. And suddenly, in a huge stroke of luck, Earth witnessed the birth of a new star, Supernova 1987A. Although the Kvant module delivery missed the first few weeks of the supernova, Kvant was still able to collect valuable data on 1987A's post-explosion behavior and monitor it's changing brightness. The bulk of these observations came from a science payload contributed by the international community, something unprecedented in Soviet manned flights. The composition of other modules, added incrementally to the Mir configuration, represented almost every community of space scientists. The Kristal (Crystal) module obviously served the material sciences. It carried a number of furnaces and technological devices to study the effects of the micro-gravity environment on crystal growth and other processes. The Priroda (Nature) module was designed and equipped with a variety of Earth surface and atmosphere observation hardware. It included almost everything from the arsenal of the science and technology of remote sensing, such as multispectral cameras and passive and active microwave instruments. All in all, the total configuration of Mir reached the net mass of 130 metric tons. Energia was in charge of the Mir station. The cosmonaut's schedules were filled with such tasks as running Mir's systems, continuing to enlarge and expand the station by adding new modules, and upgrading it's hardware. Even during it's golden period, before unending repair became a major activity (80% of cosmonaut's time), only 8 percent of the crew's time was budgeted to scientific experiments. And Mir had to be shared with others, including the military. The major question for the designers and users of Mir involved the role of the onboard crew in specific experiments. Concerns about engineering as well as assembling and servicing the modules, processing the cargo deliveries (by the Progress unmanned spacecraft), and so on were clear. But many experiments could function without human intervention. Others.. astronomical observations and crystal growth, for example, would actually benefit from unmanned operation. At the same time, some disciplines like biomedical studies, required the participation of humans at least as the objects for research. It was no surprise that the latter type of experiment became the major beneficiary of the Mir program. In terms of science output, probably the most extensive results obtained during the Mir expeditions were in the area of biomedicine. Since the late 1970's, most resources were concentrated on building the counterpart to the U.S. space shuttle. Many aerospace companies had to fulfill engineering design and manufacturing quotas and to contribute to the finally adopted Soviet program of reusable space transport, classified under the name Buran. Finally the program culminated in two technically very successful launches(of the Energia super rocket in 1988 and the un-manned version of Buran in 1989) only to be abandoned almost immediately. The Soviet Union experienced a severe economic crisis which began to impact the space program which began downsizing. The major breakthrough was Russia's (new geopolitical successor to the failed Soviet Union) joining the ISS (International Space Station). It became possible to build on the instructive adventures of Mir and it's predecessors, the Salyut's. At the same time, the Mir station assumed a new task: to serve as a test bed for the future operation of the ISS with all the experience they logged in long-duration flights. One creative offshoot of their rocketry program was an inflatable reentry shield.
Anyone know any good mods that add rover/vehicle parts?
Sasami_TN replied to Siresword's topic in KSP1 Mods Discussions
I've come across a picture of a sporty dune buggy type open-cockpit (only row bars I think) and there is Bobcat's Rat rover which is also something like a sporty dune buggy rover. Haven't been able to find a good downloadable link to either of them.. am still looking though sry can't be more helpful, but these ARE out there somewhere. So if you find a download link, please share in a post here for the rest of us. -Sasami (^___^)/ -
The very large mountain range on Kerbin I've dubbed the Rocky Mountains on account that they're rocky and well.. they're mountains. Seems to fit, not very creative with naming things. My little dog is called brown dog because.. well, you know. -Sasami (^___^)/
Can someone make a red flashing light?
Sasami_TN replied to Sasami_TN's topic in KSP1 Mods Discussions
Thank you Vanamonde for moving the thread, was not familiar with the particulars of where this fit. Was sort'ov maybe thinking it would not fit where it was first posted. I haven't found the aviation lights mod yet, but am still looking. The exploration pack is slowly loading (on dial-up) so I will look forward to seeing what the 20.5 MB file has available in about an hour when it finishes downloading. So.. I guess I should take lunch and come back then. Thank you all for such prompt replies and your thoughts. It's nice to find an active board with questions so quickly addressed. :-) -Sasami (^___^)/ -
http://www.pix8.net/pro/pic.php?u=3365epM5u&i=11591508 (*smirkles*) I believe that there is an international accord agreement against weaponizing space (mostly for the reason which you requested). If ensuring public safety against meteor/ comet collision isn't a strong enough reason to put missiles, and massive gigawatt beam cannons on satellites, or even provide them the ability to launch derelict farm pickup trucks at incoming rocks of doom. Then I am sure that megalomanic tendencies which would circumvent the M.A.D. (mutually assured destruction) conscience safeguard.. would not really carry very far unless you can find a megalomanic rogue nation (MOD) sponsor who would also delight in mass destruction and seeing flaming kerbals running around screaming. (*sigh*) Since noone is allowed to weaponize space even to protect the rest of us. The best that NASA and other participating countries have been able to draw up concerning the danger of inbound cataclysmic asteroids was to put up a telescope and some sensors so that we could watch on primetime television as the rocks fall on our heads. Oh yeah, they also sponsored 2 hollywood space rock movies, which should count for something. Perhaps a future environmentally correct plan may be to send up astronauts on one side of a killer asteroid.. and push. (MISSION CONTROL> "Okay guys, on 3 you all are to push like you've had your wheaties for breakfast. 1.. 2.. 3... and p-u-s-h. Now again and this time do it like you mean it. And please will you tell that other guy to get off his cell phone to his girlfriend and contribute to the game plan here. Thank you.") In all seriousness, one of NASA engineer's designed a gravitational tractor which would be sent up many months ahead of any planetary collision to provide a gravitational nudge which would put the asteroid on another trajectory, thereby missing earth entirely. Well, until it returns in some future time along the same trajectory. But groundbreaking idea's are being drafted and several board meetings have burned the midnight oil trying to find affordable solutions to public safety concerns. (*looks through slightly open NASA door*) yep, they're still at it so I wouldn't worry none. You can feel safe with your future in the hands of balding men wearing long sleeve white shirts and funny looking neckties.
Planet Ideas And Names For The Future Of Kerbal Space Program
Sasami_TN replied to Dead Pixel's topic in KSP1 Discussion
I'm pretty sure the there will be other solar systems with other planets in KSP's future. Because as we advance in mod technology and capability. Our little home solar system will start to become quite a mundane place. Where else can we find the joy of "first discovery" than in an entirely new solar system. Perhaps even one with native aborigenie life which we would take upon ourselves to safeguard. What if these aborigenie cave drawings showed a solar system which was our own? That would be quite a mysterious coincidence. Like following a breadcrumb trail which leads you to new discoveries. http://www.pix8.net/pro/pic.php?u=3365epM5u&i=11591464 My name suggestion would be "Serenity". It would be a desert moon (in orbit around a large gas giant) but with small oasis area's as water would be scarce. Part of your "updated mission profile?" would be to go after ice-teroids to bring back into orbit then to break up and allow to fall into the atmosphere.. thereby increasing the moisture level of the planet terraforming it into a much less environmentally hostile place for your friends. -Sasami (^___^)/ -
Why not a few more science-y instruments. Like a ground penetrating radar box which attaches to the bottom of the rover so that you can detect buried caverns, ancient artifacts, or skeleton burial tombs from some long lost civilization. Think we should have an archaeology science package made since we have science packages representing other science fields. Is there even a biology science package which detects microbial life?
Umm.. hi. I've looked for a little red flashing light (yellow would also be a nice choice for construction parts in motion) for different situations on a space station or like for my space tractor. I don't have a programmer's skillset, so was wanting to suggest this idea for someone to come up with a simple mod add-on with this in it. I think this is something which is really needed, especially when we're sending astro-kerbals to spacewalk and do lots of stuff eva. yellow caution light = https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRd0wkGqaQuy4c_IdR4UlQv1ul0ypYY8WR2cR1CElEcvV2B_CdeRA red warning light = https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS-XZQ0Uj8U8cABEXT0zxBm6qPAiH5DCMerCZlVrD2uI0b2VRml
Now that you think about it, most curious why the International Space Station would rely so much on planetside rocket/shuttle scheduled launches to bring in needed equipment for repairs when they should have a small garage with "extras" inside in which to pull stock items from. And while we're at it, why don't they have a small tractor (worker-bee) for moving modules/equipment around and for "receiving" modules/equipment from a launch? http://www.pix8.net/pro/pic.php?u=3365epM5u&i=11591462 So my thought is to use the spacejunk mod to make one and add "mission critical" spare parts (if bound for another planet) or "stock part replacements" (if for spacestation around the homeplanet). It's also a really neat place to poke around when you're bored. There could be parts for making all sorts of things which blink, unfolds, buzzes, or moves around. Different people can use whatever stuff they want or even turn it into a large greenhouse in space. I just like it looking more like a one-stop shopping place, like a mini-mall for gizmo's, thingamabob's and whatchamacallit's. Or if you're a guy, like a hardware store.. in space. -Sasami (^__^)/
If your astronaut kerbal is on the outside of the station and the problem is with walking on the surface without being launched into space.. I believe that Bobcat addressed something similar to this in a video. On a moon his rover would hit a bump and be launched into space because of the microgravity. He solved this by pointing his ion exhaust upwards which created a downward force for his rover to remain on the surface of the moon because the downward force approximated regular gravity. So why not use your astronaut kerbal's rocket pack descent jets which would cause him (her?) to stay on the station surface? A possible mod is to have magnetic boots which I think is something that alot of sci-fi movies addressed when faced with this same problem. If your astronaut kerbal is on the inside of the station.. no workable solution comes to mind to keep from tumbling into the floorplate section in front of him (her?). Unless there is something like a walkway which is coded similar to the exterior handrails to have the kerbal "connect" to it but allows for walking. My question (different topic) is which mod you found those long skinny support trusses at? I've yet to come across them and I like them. :-) -Sasami (^___^)/
if wheels work and kerbal feet doesn't, wouldn't a workable compromise be to put wheels on kerbal feet by way of rollerskates? They can be like those kid shoes which has hidden skatewheels tucked inside and are deployed when they want to go faster than simply walking.
(^___^)/ Mmm.. hi. Am having difficulty changing my avatar. I know it's not a biggie to tackle, but my screen doesn't have an option to allow me to change it from default. Am thinking it will present this option the more posts that I contribute here, maybe? This would be my second post, am new here and just got playing the KSP game a couple weeks ago. Love it. Hope this question doesn't bother anyone, in not being a big tech challenge. Is for me, though. sry.
I just recently was introduced to KSP and I really do enjoy being an astronaut vicariously through my astro-kerbal team. There are some things which I am still learning how to do, like return back to my earlier orbit to bring in a new module or part.. haven't figured that out but building in space there will always be a learning curve. I've tried landing on the mun, through several crashed attempts sending quite a few kerbals to an untimely fate. Am thankful there is not a mob outside my bedroom demanding my head. ^^;;; It's a wonderful game and perhaps we can contribute some creative idea's which NASA, European Space Agency, Japanese Rocket Program, or another space age country can utilize. That would be really neat. I've seen some really amazing things (mods) being offered so far, so it's quite likely there are schematics already being drawn up in some science facility, somewhere. Thank you all for reading this. Sincerely, -Sasami