I'm trying to get mods working for the first time and I've noticed many of them (So they tell me) will simply not work on a 64 bit KSP because of instability. I'm not one to really just leave things out so; Other notes: I'm using the steam version, the OS I'm running is Windows 7 64x Professional, the mod that lifted this question to me primarily was Ferrum Aerospace but the internet assures me other mods I have been trying out today may also not work with 64 bit Kerbals. How do I detect what version of KSP I have (Bit-wise)? How do I change a 64 bit to a 32 bit on steam. If I cannot change the bit version, is there any set of things to delete or change to make the mods work for 64 bit KSP? Or are the mods Lying to me and can work?