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  1. scifi6546's post in FAR window was dragged offscreen, How do I reset positions was marked as the answer   
    Ok there is a file with the path
    GameData/FerramAreoSpaceReasearch/Plugins/PluginData/FerramAreospaceReasearch/config.xml open it with a text editor and near the bottom there should be an entry that looks like
    <rect name="flight_mainGuiRect"> <xmin>1930</xmin> <xmax>2160</xmax> <ymin>587</ymin> <ymax>901</ymax> </rect> and then edit the xmin and xmax fields to move the window back into position, for example my new config looks like
    <rect name="flight_mainGuiRect"> <xmin>850</xmin> <xmax>1080</xmax> <ymin>587</ymin> <ymax>901</ymax> </rect>  
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