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    Rocketry Enthusiast
  1. What if you could run simple procedures for action groups (instead of doing everything at once)?
  2. Does anyone know how to do the Math for aero-braking? I've done it in KSP by just using trial and error, but how do they predict how much they'll slow down in real life?
  3. Could someone who's good at animating make a KSP music video of this: ?Also where are you guys getting the paper cut out things for some of these?
  4. Now you get to join the Kerbal Space Program! I think I'm gonna do some save file editing and add a Kerbal named after you.
  5. I almost didn't post this because I thought that it'd either make the game too difficult (it's already pretty difficult, I mean "Kerbals can't do EVA without an upgrade." Really???) or too easy (I don't even know what reputation is/does so I usually just ignore it). Then I figured they might just balance out.
  6. What if buying parts from certain manufacturers cost you reputation points (because they build the parts in sweat shops), and other gain you reputation points (because they're environmentally friendly)? Also you could have the reputations of the companies change over time (just as companies can change directions in real life)?
  7. I may have forgotten to do that. >.> Also I think everyone is misunderstanding the challenge. The idea is to jump from ladder to ladder.
  8. I recently watched a video by Scott Manley where he mentioned that you can make your Kerbal jump from one ladder to another in zero gravity by holding down shift, and then pressing space, or by holding shift, pressing w, a, s, or d to choose a direction to jump in and then pressing space. I was thinking it might be a fun little challenge to see if you could build a really big space station, and then get from one end of it to another without using EVA fuel at all.
  9. Sorry. Still I think they shouldn't be called "engineers" when all they can do is repair things. Don't real engineers also design and build stuff too?
  10. :/ Can't Kerbals remove small parts from craft in flight and move them? What if I revised the idea to "Engineers can remove bigger parts and reattach them elsewhere"?
  11. I mean upgrading the prototype docking port to a regular docking port when you've unlocked the regular docking port.
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