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    Curious George
  1. Using the -popupwindow I was able to start in borderless window mode, which is actually quite nice; however it did not fix the problem. Also when the problem started I was using full screen the whole time; I only tried windowed mode to see if that would fix the problem, sadly it did not. I also tried various other screen resolutions and even the Disable desktop composition option which has worked on other games in the past, but sadly nothing seems to be working for me. So I'm still missing the altimeter, also I noticed when I switch back and forth to map view using the M key the altimeter does transition off screen with a sliding effect just like the other UI components (pilots, and staging info), So is there maybe there's a key combo to hide/show the altimeter in map view?
  2. Win7 64 (although task manager shows KSP.exe *32, so steam must be using the 32bit) KSP v0.25.0.642 from Steam with no mods Terrain Detail: Default SM3 Terrain Shaders: Enabled Terrain Scatters(WIP): Disabled Scatter Density: 50% Render Quality Level: Fantastic Texture Quality: Full Res Fallback part shaders: false Aerodynamic FX Quality: Normal Screen Resolution: 1920x1080 Full Screen: Enabled (windowed has same problem) Anti-Aliasing: 2x V Sync: Every VBlank Frame Limit: 120 FPS Pixel Light Count: 8 Shadow Cascades: 4 Flight UI Size: Small (this didn't seem to help) KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt (6.8mb) System Specifications: DxDiag.txt I'm not sure what I did, but the altimeter seems to have "fallen off" of my map view. It was there one mission then gone the next. When in staging view it is still visible, and if I hover over it on the launch pad then it does the drop down showing recover and space center then while still hovered I press M to go to map view and the very bottom edge is still visible until I hover off. Is there any manual setting I can change to move it back on screen? Here is a picture of the barely visible altimeter at the top:
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