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    Curious George
  1. I have updated the site layout and I will be starting to add tutorials and mission stories within the week!
  2. Hello my name is Forh. I am currently in the process of getting a degree in web design/development and this is my first project I have put online. It is not complete yet as you can see there are still some placeholder text and video. Those videos are not mine and are just placeholders. The site will offer beginner and advanced tutorials as well as picture story missions and eventually video missions. I'm here today to ask you guys for some tips and critiques and maybe get your youtube content some extra linking power. If people are interested in making video missions and/or tutorials to put on the site, this could help promote your channel. If anyone knows more about this type of thing, please your input is greatly appreciated. If its too plain, tell me! If it is a bad idea tell me! Any advice would be greatly appreciated and I thank you for your time! My site Forhce Space Program. p.s. Videos, screenshots, fake text as well as the Reddit Banner on top are all placeholders.
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