kerbster from the start, but forum newb, i came to finally start posting my creations, adding to the forum convos regarding mods, and generally here to add to my current infinite enjoyment of kerbaciousness and share it with yours. also, making up kerbwords is always fun. no idea what to do nor what to ask so i'll start with: thank you! best game ever! so hai. ok i guess um how to blog and include pics of my kerbworks the best way? i see guidelines say don't heavy up the forum with massive pics, 3rd party host; what's everyone suggest i use here? that's a question. ok. um. also, how do i start a blog in the first place? or would it be better to post my creations in their specific sub-forums/threads already created? because i'm sure i'm one of those with a novel behind posts so blogging along with my kerbcrafts may suit me better than textwalling up high-post threads. see. i'm already doing it. so i'll stahp and just leave it at these three questions: where best to post my stuff? if blogging, how? and either way, what's the best way to go about posting pics, ie, what's the best 3rd party hosting site (and oh yeah, one that doesn't use google at all)! again thank you for an awesome game, devs, mod kerbalverse, modders, and forum, forum peoples! WOO! best game in history! ------------- thrivesphere for lack of a signature peace and love