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Everything posted by Jeb42

  1. This is a new one to me.. for the past day I've been trying to get a small (standard hitchhiker container) living module up to my space station- no dice though. Once I get into orbit, and whenever I load the ship for the first time since starting the game it appears that whatever control module I'm using decides it doesn't like the company of whatever's placed below it and leaves. Just slides out with whatever I've attached (namely docking ports). When I quit to the space centre and load the ship up again however, it's fine. Honestly this isn't massive for me and it still works as part of the space station, but I'd really rather not have 4 Kerbals fly off every time I load the station up once again; it's really annoying. The only mod I'm using on this craft is AIES for a couple of small mono prop tanks in the hold and some ladders around the module. Here's a picture/video of my setup- http://imgur.com/zsLg96S whatever core I use, stock or not has the same problem here's the video edit: after placing a smaller core so it's not attached to the hitchhiker module, the game doesn't even bother sliding the parts out. it all just explodes (...) thanks
  2. That's precisely what I've been thinking during the merge. Is there something I've missed here? Was there something critically deficient with the old system that meant we couldn't continue using it? This seems (to me at least) to be a great case of not leaving well enough alone. The old site wasn't the most pretty, but it was much better than the style that's being used at the moment (à la every computer-based company). Hopefully at the very least there'll be new themes, and I get this has taken a lot of time. Still very 'meh' though and I'm not convinced it was worth it after all.
  3. Long story short- really dislike 1.0.5 and runs like crap on my Macbook/iMac. Already had multiple flights completely vanish from the tracking station, SAS not working at all (I know this is documented but for me is simply nonexistent), thrust having NO effect on orbit, awful frames, texture crashes etc. I don't want to play on a version like this and would like to know if it's at all possible to revert to 1.0.4 on Steam. Thanks. I can't be bothered to post logs at the moment but let me know if you want to see them.
  4. Awesome- removed the core and that's fixed it. Thanks a lot for the help.
  5. Hi, thanks a lot for the suggestion. Tried it out, still no change. It's going wrong at precisely the same time and in the same way. I've attached a video of the whole thing. Apology for the crappy frames; Macs seriously hate running Quicktime and KSP together. Hopefully you'll be able to make more light out of it than I am. The main buildup to the issue starts at about 7:25 in the video- sums up how well KSP runs on (my) Mac.
  6. Yeah, I run HGR, Station Parts Expansion, Mechjeb, FASA and Chatterer. Apart from Mechjeb, none of them are on my shuttles (SPE is on my station though).
  7. Alright, will try that out, thanks a lot. Will just sit tight until this is fixed. (Noob question), how do I access the thermal data menu? I've turned it on in the debug, but I'm not sure where to look at them. As for the physics settings; I haven't touched them at all
  8. Hi. This is very perplexing. This morning, I updated to 1.0.4. When I tried to launch a routine shuttle flight, when I was warping to my apogee, there was an explosion and my ship broke apart. During the buildup of disintegration, I saw the 'durability' bars on the front of my ship.. This is really confusing me, since I have aerodynamic heating set to 0 and was decelerating. After messing about a bit, if I DON'T warp to my apogee, the ship is fine. However, when I try to separate my orbiter from the booster in orbit I see the same result. I've just managed to get around this by using the debug toolbar to make joints indestructible and turn off crash damage. The durability bars still show up though, just no change. The only mod I have on my craft is Mechjeb- and is handling the warps. As far as I know, Mechjeb hasn't been updated 1.0.4. Any ideas as to what's causing this? The toolbar workaround is working, but it's a pain having to remember to turn it on every time I load up KSP. Will post a video later, thanks. Hopefully this is just another stupid bug thrown up. Still very annoying though. NB- my different shuttles all worked perfectly before updating to .4. Thanks
  9. Hey This is my craft- specs below Parts: 21 Mass: 13.1t Height: 3.1m Width: 10m Length: 13.2m Cost: 22,460 It's pretty efficient, not quite as good as Andirons though! I normally stay away from building craft like this, so I appreciate it won't be brilliant. Hopefully it's helpful though https://www.dropbox.com/s/q4a5ldot3dl9usq/KSP%20Craft%20Challenge.craft?dl=0
  10. Hi. After starting my first Career Mode in 1.0, I noticed the (new?) ability to take on tourism contracts. I'm wondering- since I've just come back from a break- if there's any way to get these tourists on regular, Sandbox mode. After a couple of Google searches, I've seen mention of sending tourists up on a Sandbox ideas thread, but haven't been able to find any elaboration on that. Any and all advice is appreciated. Thanks
  11. Apart from HGR, I've only got Mechjeb installed. I've downloaded the add-on quite a few times to try and resolve the issue, hasn't worked. If it can help I can attach a video of the issue and how I'm formatting the craft. Thanks
  12. Ah, no I didn't. (Apologies for the stupid question-) is it required for it to work? If so, sorry for wasting your time
  13. Hi.. just letting you know that this also seems to be a problem for the Onion module? Same black screen etc. when I try to use it. I've checked but the files are in the right format for me. Are you aware of this issue? (Apologies if this has been mentioned in one of the pages before; just wanted to hop on and check)
  14. Code from going into flight mode to pausing the game in orbit [LOG 19:31:52.878] ------------------- initializing flight mode... ------------------[LOG 19:31:53.079] Loading ship from file: /Users/-/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/saves/OHP/Ships/VAB/OBH-ARRY_1.craft [LOG 19:31:53.662] OBH-ARRY_1 loaded! [LOG 19:31:55.196] putting ship to ground: 0 [LOG 19:31:55.199] [OBH-ARRY_1]: Ready to Launch - waiting to start physics... [LOG 19:31:55.247] [FLIGHT GLOBALS]: Switching To Vessel OBH-ARRY_1 ---------------------- [LOG 19:31:55.248] setting new dominant body: Kerbin FlightGlobals.mainBody: Kerbin [LOG 19:31:55.250] Reference Frame: Rotating [LOG 19:31:55.271] stage manager resuming... [LOG 19:31:55.272] Vessel assembly complete! [LOG 19:31:55.272] stage manager starting... [LOG 19:31:55.272] all systems started [LOG 19:31:55.406] Look rotation viewing vector is zero [LOG 19:31:55.413] Look rotation viewing vector is zero [LOG 19:31:56.013] [ScenarioDestructibles]: Started. 39 objects registered [WRN 19:31:59.963] [StrutConnector]: Both sides of the strut share the same parent rigidbody. No actual joint was created. [WRN 19:31:59.964] [StrutConnector]: Both sides of the strut share the same parent rigidbody. No actual joint was created. [WRN 19:32:00.025] [CurrencyWidgetsApp]: No live widgets to Despawn! [LOG 19:32:00.027] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: OBH-ARRY_1 [LOG 19:32:00.696] Flight State Captured [LOG 19:32:00.696] Saving Achievements Tree... [LOG 19:32:00.696] Saving Achievements Tree... [LOG 19:32:00.696] Saving Achievements Tree... [LOG 19:32:00.802] Game State Saved as persistent [LOG 19:32:03.930] [OBH-ARRY_1]: ground contact! - error: 0.037m [LOG 19:32:03.931] Unpacking OBH-ARRY_1 [LOG 19:32:06.974] activating stage 5 - current stage: 6 [LOG 19:32:06.987] [FASAUmbilicalTower]: Activated [LOG 19:32:06.988] [00:00:00]: Liftoff!! [LOG 19:32:12.212] RCS lock/unlock [LOG 19:32:12.865] activating stage 4 - current stage: 5 [LOG 19:32:12.866] [Size2LFB]: Activated [LOG 19:32:12.866] [KW2mNoseCone]: Activated [LOG 19:32:12.866] [strutConnectorHeavy]: Activated [LOG 19:32:12.866] [strutConnectorHeavy]: Activated [LOG 19:32:12.866] [strutConnectorHeavy]: Activated [LOG 19:32:12.866] [strutConnectorHeavy]: Activated [LOG 19:32:12.866] [strutConnectorHeavy]: Activated [LOG 19:32:12.866] [winglet3]: Activated [LOG 19:32:12.866] [winglet3]: Activated [LOG 19:32:12.872] [FASAlaunchClampApollo]: Activated [LOG 19:32:12.873] [Size2LFB]: Activated [LOG 19:32:12.873] [KW2mNoseCone]: Activated [LOG 19:32:12.873] [strutConnectorHeavy]: Activated [LOG 19:32:12.873] [strutConnectorHeavy]: Activated [LOG 19:32:12.873] [strutConnectorHeavy]: Activated [LOG 19:32:12.873] [strutConnectorHeavy]: Activated [LOG 19:32:12.873] [strutConnectorHeavy]: Activated [LOG 19:32:12.873] [winglet3]: Activated [LOG 19:32:12.873] [winglet3]: Activated [LOG 19:32:12.878] [FASAlaunchClampApollo]: Activated [LOG 19:32:12.884] [FASAlaunchClampAtlas]: Activated [LOG 19:32:12.890] [FASAlaunchClampAtlas]: Activated [LOG 19:32:21.797] Packing OBH-ARRY_1 Debris for orbit [LOG 19:32:21.797] Packing OBH-ARRY_1 Debris for orbit [LOG 19:32:40.108] OBH-ARRY_1 Debris Unloaded [LOG 19:32:40.108] Packing OBH-ARRY_1 Debris for orbit [LOG 19:32:40.108] OBH-ARRY_1 Debris Unloaded [LOG 19:32:40.109] Packing OBH-ARRY_1 Debris for orbit [LOG 19:32:40.139] Vessel OBH-ARRY_1 Debris was on-rails at 1.0 atm pressure and was destroyed. [LOG 19:32:40.140] Vessel OBH-ARRY_1 Debris was on-rails at 1.0 atm pressure and was destroyed. [LOG 19:32:40.147] OBH-ARRY_1 Debris Unloaded [LOG 19:32:40.147] OBH-ARRY_1 Debris Unloaded [LOG 19:32:40.178] OBH-ARRY_1 Debris Unloaded [LOG 19:32:40.179] Packing OBH-ARRY_1 Debris for orbit [LOG 19:32:40.206] Vessel OBH-ARRY_1 Debris was on-rails at 1.0 atm pressure and was destroyed. [LOG 19:33:12.496] activating stage 3 - current stage: 4 [LOG 19:33:12.505] [00:00:49]: Separation of stage 4 confirmed [LOG 19:33:12.505] [radialDecoupler1-2]: Activated [LOG 19:33:12.510] [radialDecoupler1-2]: Activated [LOG 19:33:16.546] activating stage 2 - current stage: 3 [LOG 19:33:16.546] [fuelTank1-2]: Activated [LOG 19:33:16.546] [fuelTank1-2]: Activated [LOG 19:33:16.547] [liquidEngine1-2]: Activated [LOG 19:33:16.547] [rcsTankRadialLong]: Activated [LOG 19:33:16.547] [rcsTankRadialLong]: Activated [LOG 19:33:16.547] [rcsTankRadialLong]: Activated [LOG 19:33:16.547] [probeStackSmall]: Activated [LOG 19:33:16.547] [trussPiece3x]: Activated [LOG 19:33:16.547] [trussAdapter]: Activated [LOG 19:33:16.547] [dockingPort2]: Activated [LOG 19:33:16.547] [mumech.MJ2.AR202]: Activated [LOG 19:33:16.547] [dockingPort2]: Activated [LOG 19:33:16.547] [dockingPort2]: Activated [LOG 19:33:16.547] [largeSolarPanel]: Activated [LOG 19:33:16.547] [largeSolarPanel]: Activated [LOG 19:33:16.547] [KWRadBattLargeL]: Activated [LOG 19:33:16.548] [KWRadBattLargeL]: Activated [LOG 19:33:20.261] stage drag started [LOG 19:33:22.658] drag started [LOG 19:33:32.444] OBH-ARRY_1 Debris Unloaded [LOG 19:33:32.445] Packing OBH-ARRY_1 Debris for orbit [LOG 19:33:32.470] Vessel OBH-ARRY_1 Debris was on-rails at 0.1 atm pressure and was destroyed. [LOG 19:33:32.506] OBH-ARRY_1 Debris Unloaded [LOG 19:33:32.507] Packing OBH-ARRY_1 Debris for orbit [LOG 19:33:32.520] Vessel OBH-ARRY_1 Debris was on-rails at 0.1 atm pressure and was destroyed. [LOG 19:35:07.172] Packing OBH-ARRY_1 for orbit [LOG 19:35:10.663] Reference Frame: Inertial [LOG 19:35:18.851] Unpacking OBH-ARRY_1 [LOG 19:35:31.347] activating stage 3 - current stage: 4 [LOG 19:35:31.347] [liquidEngine1-2]: Activated [LOG 19:35:32.103] activating stage 2 - current stage: 3 [LOG 19:35:32.110] [00:07:12]: Separation of stage 3 confirmed [LOG 19:35:32.110] [decoupler1-2]: Activated [LOG 19:35:32.110] [fuelTank1-2]: Activated [LOG 19:35:32.110] [fuelTank1-2]: Activated [LOG 19:35:32.110] [rcsTankRadialLong]: Activated [LOG 19:35:32.110] [rcsTankRadialLong]: Activated [LOG 19:35:32.110] [rcsTankRadialLong]: Activated [LOG 19:35:32.110] [probeStackSmall]: Activated [LOG 19:35:32.110] [trussPiece3x]: Activated [LOG 19:35:32.110] [trussAdapter]: Activated [LOG 19:35:32.110] [dockingPort2]: Activated [LOG 19:35:32.110] [mumech.MJ2.AR202]: Activated [LOG 19:35:32.110] [dockingPort2]: Activated [LOG 19:35:32.110] [dockingPort2]: Activated [LOG 19:35:32.110] [largeSolarPanel]: Activated [LOG 19:35:32.110] [largeSolarPanel]: Activated [LOG 19:35:32.110] [KWRadBattLargeL]: Activated [LOG 19:35:32.110] [KWRadBattLargeL]: Activated [LOG 19:35:33.131] activating stage 1 - current stage: 2 [LOG 19:35:33.132] Should have Jettisoned [LOG 19:35:33.132] [liquidEngine2-2]: Activated [LOG 19:35:33.156] [00:07:13]: decoupler1-2 was damaged by engine exhaust from liquidEngine2-2. [LOG 19:35:33.739] [00:07:14]: decoupler1-2 was damaged by engine exhaust from liquidEngine2-2. [LOG 19:35:54.272] OBH-ARRY_1 Debris Unloaded [LOG 19:35:54.273] Packing OBH-ARRY_1 Debris for orbit [LOG 19:36:10.411] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: OBH-ARRY_1 [LOG 19:36:10.416] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: OBH-ARRY_1 [LOG 19:36:11.849] [Orbit Targeter]: Target is OBP (unloaded) [LOG 19:36:12.209] Camera Mode: AUTO [LOG 19:36:32.425] Packing OBH-ARRY_1 for orbit [LOG 19:36:39.712] Vessel OBH-ARRY_1 Debris was on-rails at 0.0 atm pressure and was destroyed. [LOG 19:36:52.448] Unpacking OBH-ARRY_1 [WRN 19:37:12.274] [FlightPersistence]: Vessel OBH-ARRY_1 Debris not saved because it was debris cluttering up KSC. [WRN 19:37:12.274] [FlightPersistence]: Vessel OBH-ARRY_1 Debris not saved because it was debris cluttering up KSC. [LOG 19:37:12.308] Flight State Captured [LOG 19:37:12.308] Saving Achievements Tree... [LOG 19:37:12.308] Saving Achievements Tree... [LOG 19:37:12.308] Saving Achievements Tree... [LOG 19:37:12.406] Game State Saved as persistent [LOG 19:37:12.406] [AutoSave]: Game Saved [LOG 19:37:41.410] Packing OBH-ARRY_1 for orbit [LOG 19:38:01.781] Unpacking OBH-ARRY_1 [LOG 19:38:52.206] Packing OBH-ARRY_1 for orbit [LOG 19:40:34.823] Unpacking OBH-ARRY_1 [LOG 19:41:09.223] Packing OBH-ARRY_1 for orbit [LOG 19:41:19.244] [Rendezvous]: Now tracking OBP Debris vs. OBH-ARRY_1 [LOG 19:41:19.244] [Rendezvous]: Tracking OBP Debris vs. OBH-ARRY_1 ended. [LOG 19:41:23.781] Unpacking OBH-ARRY_1 [LOG 19:41:50.029] [Orbit Targeter]: Target is null [LOG 19:41:53.697] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: OBH-ARRY_1 [LOG 19:41:56.030] [Orbit Targeter]: Target is OBP (unloaded) [LOG 19:41:57.415] Camera Mode: AUTO [LOG 19:42:07.348] OBP Debris Unloaded [LOG 19:42:37.491] Active Vessel is under acceleration (G = 1.38665942377644). Cannot save. [LOG 19:43:08.346] Active Vessel is under acceleration (G = 0.211538755145414). Cannot save. [WRN 19:43:39.312] [FlightPersistence]: Vessel OBH-ARRY_1 Debris not saved because it was debris cluttering up KSC. [WRN 19:43:39.312] [FlightPersistence]: Vessel OBH-ARRY_1 Debris not saved because it was debris cluttering up KSC. [LOG 19:43:39.345] Flight State Captured [LOG 19:43:39.345] Saving Achievements Tree... [LOG 19:43:39.345] Saving Achievements Tree... [LOG 19:43:39.345] Saving Achievements Tree... [LOG 19:43:39.443] Game State Saved as persistent [LOG 19:43:39.443] [AutoSave]: Game Saved [LOG 19:43:44.415] Game Paused! I'll also try to explain more accurately. All's going fine up until MJ starts the Hohman transfer. At that point, just as the ship's about to finish the burn, the target node rapidly spins around, and MJ tries to follow. This results in the ship spinning wildly, trying to follow it. If I try to skip this manoeuvre, it just goes onto the next one and it repeats. I'll post a video detailing this tomorrow.
  15. To say I'm frustrated is an understatement... For a month or so now, MJ has been working fine for me. Now? The rendezvous autopilot is completely screwed up. It doesn't follow the nodes, and the ship starts rotating wildly. I've reinstalled MJ, and I haven't added any new mods. It works fine for my manned pods, but when I try to transport a simple girder to my station at 150km, it just doesn't work. Very annoyed with this, can you offer any help at all?
  16. Mission Log Missions are in order chronologically Celestia 1 http://imgur.com/a/e8YeR#11 Delta-V 1: OHP Core Launch http://imgur.com/a/0Wezc#0
  17. Constructing space stations has around the Mun and Kerbin has always fascinated me. I decided to document my new project, the Orbital Habitation Program. I'll be detailing construction of the station, supply missions and the likes of that. First, a confession. I use Mechjeb to perform orbital manoeuvres , as I don't have enough time to manually plot intercepts and the likes. The ships Celestia The backbone of the OHP, the Celestia is a three-man pod designed for crew transfers and supply missions. It consists of a Soyuz-style service module, and a descent pod consisting of 3. I've used this ship many times before, and has a flawless safety record. Delta-V Heavy Lifter Based off the Celestia launch vehicle, the heavy lifter is used to send up the major parts of the station modules into space. Payload at the top is just a dummy, it can be adapted to carry a wide range of cargo into orbit. Planned Missions Celestia Missions Achieve orbit with full crew and test systems Test autonomous flight Deliver first crew to OHP Station Delta-V Missions Launch OHP Core into 125km Orbit Attach Cupola Module Attach Science Lab
  18. I love the routine trips, the ones where everything works well and does its job... gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside.
  19. Nice read, I hope you keep adding more stories
  20. Nothing major, just a crew transfer to and from my space station, and installing a new crew module. Cut it kind of fine with it almost breaking apart at 15,000 meters, but I got there
  21. Hi everyone, Jeb42 here! I'm from the UK and I've been playing (if you can call my tactic of explosions and devastation that) KSP on and off for a year or so now... I mostly enjoy building space stations, and realistic craft. First, a couple of admissions: I've never gotten a Kerbal to the Mun and back I use Mechjeb for my orbital maneuvers- too long otherwise I've only ever watched 1 Scott Manley video And yes, I know my name is completely unoriginal and bland
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