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Everything posted by seekjet_

  1. ksp.log: https://www.scribd.com/doc/249497483/Ksp-log output_log: https://www.scribd.com/doc/249497616/Output-Log i think you meant ksp.log when you said ksp.txt, hopefully i am right.
  2. you mean this hangar extension? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65747-0-24-2-Hangar-Extender-v2-0 Sadly no this does not fix the issue. I can still place other parts on the end of my crafts, however just not this part in particular, when i place it it just stays transparent as if it were a temporary part. This is the best i could find as a 'log' of sorts. This problem does not make a crash log as the game does not really 'crash' http://imgur.com/kGQ74VI this one damn part is the only thing stopping my craft being vtol capable -.-
  3. Yes all nodes were teste4d, both side nodes do not work, however the top one does. I always use part clipping in building these sorts of things Otherwise more intricate designs could not be done I did have a look into the part file itself, following the part pattern, i could manually attach parts via editing the craft file, just adding the correct values to the position, and linking nodes. Sub-assemblies are a good idea, however there is the problem that i kinda need to attach them via the side, which i have been able to do before, but alas no longer. The whole size ratios between the structural hubs and the structural modules are wierd -.- i don't know if it is exactly related to the issue, but i was able to place down 63 of the structural hubs before they stopped attaching via the sides. Regarding the post linked earlier, yes that is probably the problem, which means no direct fix, damn.
  4. http://imgur.com/bHKkSle Sadly no, that is not the problem, same orientation, same placement, no result. Even if you spin it 180 degrees and chuck it on 'the other way' then it still places as a 'ghost part'. Know any other things i could try?
  5. Yep every side, what is interesting though is that it works correctly if I attach it via the top node, still, the side node is most preferable as the continuation of the 45 degree slope is best.
  6. so i started to create large mostrosities as you do in ksp, however after a while i encountered the placing of 'ghost parts' with the b9 hx series. This used to be a non issue as after a while of effort i could get past it, however, nothing i do so far, no amount of shaking and replacing can fix this. I cannot place more things onto them, but i cannot continue to construct from that point as well. Please note that all other parts function perfectly. http://imgur.com/7v1K6VR The exact part in subject is the HX1-S-H3 Structural Hub, and yes i have a lot of them all over the ship. help?
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