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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. That is fine! I made most of the entries from sources off Wikipedia, so they might not be perfect
  2. I just finished the config file for the ISS Community Pack by Bobcat. I have made it to be working in .25 because the ISS has not been updated to .90 officially. But since it is mostly just parts I think it would do just fine in .90, as should the config file. I have not had the time to get into gitHub, so I will just post a dropbox link for the file. In case I make other configs in the future I might look into gitHub, since I know it is easier for you guys! Here is the link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7povn2xkmvze2gh/RO_ISS.cfg?dl=0
  3. I am currently in the progress of making config files to overhaul the ISS Community Project. Resizing, adding TAC lifesupport, realfuels etc. I will post the config file once I am done with testing it - probably sometime this week :-)
  4. As you have noticed I have mostly just adjusted the numbers. The Hermes uses the small probe booster to boost it on its way, and since I don't know how to change or add engines I have just added the real fuels and correct thrust for the engines where it was possible. If I remember correctly the Voyager was the only probe where I wasn't able to replicate the thrusters correctly. In case someone know how to give the Voyager the correct thrusters it would be awesome! As for adding fuel for the thrusters you can just add a tank of the needed propellant to the probe itself using ModuleFuelTanks.
  5. I made some .cfg files to make the Probes and Landers pack from Lionhead Aerospace compatible with RO. I haven't found the time to get into gitHub, so now I've just uploaded them to this link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bvbt8360bfzxtlg/LH_Overhaul.rar?dl=0 I hope they're useful!
  6. I made some config files to make the Landers & Probes pack from Lionhead Aerospace compatible with RO. I am relatively new to the whole gitHub thing, but I figured I should share these files - they may not be perfectly polished, but I have configured the parts to be usable in RO. More specific I have made the masses true to the real life counterparts, using RealFuels I've configured the engines and tanks for the true fuels, added DRE to the heatshields and added RT support. Since I am quite new to using gitHub, I guess I could upload the files to be downloaded from dropbox or the like, but in case someone explained how to contribute using gitHub I wouldn't mind uploading the files there. So should I just post a link here for the files, or should I somehow make them accessible on gitHub?
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