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  1. Hey BD, I have played some simulators such as DCS and always thought it would be cool if there were settings on the countermeasure part so that you could set up flare profiles, so that instead of one press of the action group firing 1 flare, you could have perhaps a second action group that would for example deploy 1 flare every second for 5 seconds. (Chaff launchers would be cool too but I know you get a lot of requests)
  2. Anyone know where I can find a download of the cargo bay from wolfpack aeronautics? Cheers
  3. Hey BD, Will you ever be making a tutorial on how to make missiles? Even just uploading a unity package like you did with the guns would be really helpful. It would also be cool to see more bombs eg the GBU-12 and GBU-28. Russian weapons would be cool too. Thanks
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