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Everything posted by ppcastroe

  1. Yesterday i have an idea. I know thath the rocket fuel make gas and this gas propels the rocket, but this fuel is very dangerous. This is my idea: if we put together bicarbonate of sodium and vinegar (nautralization reaction) we obtain gas and a liquid, this gas produce pressure when we contain this reaction. This reaction can whit the apropiates conditions propels a very litle probe in an sub-orbital flight. all this thing is only an idea if you have more opoinions or comments about this topic, im very interested to see it Thanks ppcastroe:) p.d: Sorry about my english
  2. Grasias, no sabia que eso podia pasar. La información me sirvió de mucho
  3. Hola, soy nuevo con mods, pero cuando los instalo mi KSP deja de cargar y cierra , tengo muchos mods instalados pero tengo un Imac Necesito ayuda urgente Gracias atte ppcastroe
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