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Posts posted by hellblazer

  1. On 12/12/2019 at 3:55 PM, Brayaown said:

    I have a very big problem. this should apply to everyone in Realism overhaul installing visual enhancements. the RSSVE mod is MISSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it has been wiped off the face of github. Did phineasfreak die or something??? as far as I know this is just as a few days to two weeks ago. did he get in trouble with github? the RSSVE mod is unobtainable. I can't find it!! All of phineasfreak's repositories have vanished on his profile. https://github.com/PhineasFreak https://github.com/PhineasFreak/RSSVE/releases   


  2. On 8/15/2019 at 6:09 AM, PriusMann said:

    KSP Version: 1.7.0

    I just tried it on 1.7.3 and it doesn't work. All the parts are there but the "Turn on IKRC" option isn't available. If you have Steam or can roll back to 1.6.1 it works great. Hopefully the mod gets updated to the 1.7+ soon.

    Update:  Downloaded a clean copy of 1.7.3 and can confirm it works with no issues.


  3. 15 minutes ago, PriusMann said:


    I Still couldnt get the controller out... the CaLeeCam2 is my root and also those other sliders arent showing along that i cant still couldnt turn on the ikrc controller yet i dont even know how to download it properly i used the option 2 of installation please help

    TRF CA2 LEE is the root part (no camera) and the TRF CA2 LEE with Cam is the one that docks to payload. As well, it only shows up outside the VAB/SPH.

    What version of KSP are you using?

  4. 5 hours ago, Jammer-TD said:

    well at some level your system appears to be having a video conflict

    is this version 1.3.1 with only 1.3.1. mods?  I don't think so, as the log has with ModuleManager.2.6.25

    so I would recommend updating to the latest or reverting back to the version you want and remodding maybe a recent mod added is too new to work with this version as i see MINIVAVC  is running and may have updated a mod?

    best I could offer..

    hope this helps



    Looks like a few mods got updated accidentally. Thanks.

    1. The game loads up fine and I can edit inside the VAB.
    2. When I try to launch a ship the world goes black. The hud, icons and navball are still visible.
    3. If I try to revert back inside the VAB, I get a R6025 pure virtual function call error. Game crashes back to desktop.

    Error Logs and Runtime Error message:


    If you can shine some light on how to fix this it would be greatly appreciated.


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