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Everything posted by RTM2017

  1. I call it BigRigMk7 Cheers A-10C FTW!!!!!! what game is that? its extremely accurate from that screenshot. Came here just to say that. Unfortunately i don\'t have a rig at home.
  2. I did it again !!! Almost all stock parts this time. only the lander legs are added!!!! Off to try and get it home!
  3. Just wanted to say hi to everyone!!! been playing for 3 days now and I finally landed on the Mun!!!!! now i need to figure out how to do my mun landing a lot more fuel efficient. i always end up really far from the Mun when i get sucked into orbit around it and burn a ton of fuel on my approach. Anyways here is a screenie!!! well back to my game to see if i have enough fuel for a return trip!!!! Edit: I didnt . i fastfowarded till the moon was in a good spot to launch from and i crashed for some reason.....i think i ran out of rcs fuel that was holding me up.
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