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Everything posted by Ramix09

  1. It was never supposed to be the first trip ever Anyway it was the first trip that hoped to come back to earth (the lazarus missions were a one way trip)
  2. I just finished docking all the spacecrafts to the endurance ring so I made a .gif for your amusement xD sorry for the bad quality and for not having installed astronomer's visual pack xD
  3. ooh, doesn't matter! great video by the way!
  4. I hope is not too late I've made a piano mini-song thinking of a spaceship stranded in Titan, one of the Saturn's Moons. Would you like a slower version, without the drums? here's the link of the song https://soundcloud.com/rsuriano/lost-days I have other soundtrack-like songs if you want to check
  5. This is great. I'll TOTALLY do the docking scene extremely close as the original one (I even will record the dialog so the kerbals can talk the same as the movie, luckily I'm a Inverse Kerbal speaker)
  6. Thanks for the answers guys! I've made one with kerbodyne engines. I had to use saveedit cause it was too heavy, and it barely pushed a kerbal to a higher orbit... In some days I'll try with a bigger one to see what happens - - - Updated - - - Thanks for the mass driver link
  7. I put the Interstellar (the movie) music. Or final frontier, by thomas bergersen: and this for intense maneuvers of any type xD
  8. Hi! First post on the forum (besides the introductory one ) I was wondering, is there a way to do mass relays that launch a small spaceship into a transfer window? Cause I'm tired of planning and doing calculations and then having a failed mission xD Also I only use stock so I don't have things as kerbal engineer or mechjeb (I like to play it like that) The final idea is to have two kerbalian mass relays, one in kerbin, and the other in duna. The small spaceship goes into the mass relay, and travels into duna. then it uses the duna one to get back into Kerbin. I'm doing one already for fun, with kerbodyne engines What do you think? It is possible? Or I'll need like 20 engines to achieve the necessary delta v?
  9. Please, rename the robot KERB instead of tars! You know, to give it that kerbal style
  10. This will be the most epic ksp mod EVER. Can you guys invite people to do a full mod in which there's a wormhole over Jool, and if you go through it it'll take you to the new galaxy? I would help but i've got no experience in modding or anything related That'll be waay too epic
  11. Working on my endurance! A quick question: can I use save edit to put the endurance in orbit? Or it doesn't matter?
  12. The challenge was up in this forum for a few days I'm building the Endurance myself to do it here's the link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/99633-Spoiler-Alert-Interstellar-based-Movie-style-rapid-spinning-docking-stunt
  13. Hello! I'm glad to join a KSP community where I can share and see plenty of kerbal stuff I have the game for at least three months or more, I'm currently playing science mode, and struggling with the dangers of interplanetary transfers (jeb and bill were stucked in orbit around kerbol for 20 YEARS D: happily they are safe in kerbin now ) I joined the forum to: -do the interstellar docking challenge (still working on the Endurance, tomorrow I start with the Lander) -share an idea for a station in which you dont need docking ports (sadly, it failed, but the idea was good ) -be more in touch with the ksp community in general So I think that's all
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