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Everything posted by Stain

  1. hmmm, maybe im doing it wrong. or i have a conflicting mod. Does the impact have to be a few kms away? my collect data button doesnt do anything :/
  2. Thank you so much Boris, That stupid air intake bug has had me avoiding spaceplanes entirely... I found another bug with ksp interstellar tho. with 0.9 the seismic experiment things dont seem to be working. i plant some on the surface, set them to monitoring then crash something into the surface. i get the seismic event recorded message. However when i switch to the recorder to get the data the button doesnt work. nothing happens.. Thanks again for your work on this. Happy Christmas!
  3. definitely something to do with interstellar, seems to only affect parts that use airintake as a resource. The only part ive been able to find that has air intake and isnt affected is mk1 fuselage air intake.
  4. i am also experiencing this bug, seems to be any time i add more than one air intake, or use any b9 aero pack intakes. its like the 'parent' part gets dissassociated somehow, because if i put on one 'buggy' intake and try launch, i get this weird bug where my craft appears inside kerbin and burning or something. if i place two buggy intakes then the vab bugs out and i cant do anything but press new. if i try reload the now buggy craft file, then its called unnamed vessel or something. and i cant interact with it at all. i think the bug may be being caused by duplicate parts from both mods, intersteller and some other mod? any ideas? sorry i didnt follow the how to get support thing, but its late and im off soon.
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